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[ hi there, so sorry for not updating regularly. school has started and i'm swamped everyday lol. thanks for your patience, i love you guys! ]

Lili detached herself from El and stood up, running to Hopper. He held his arms open and engulfed her in a tight hug.

"Dad," Lili choked. Hopper squeezed her tighter. Lili started crying, overjoyed that Hopper was there. She finally felt safe.

"Lili, where have you all been?" He asked urgently.

"We should probably catch you guys up, huh?" Lili said to him. Hopper nodded.

"Lili," Joyce called from behind Hopper. "Hi sweetie."

Lili hugged Joyce, smiling into the woman's shirt. "Joyce, oh my god it's so good to see you."

"Is, um- " Joyce started, but she gasped when Will slowly stood up and Jonathan walked over. "My boys," Joyce cried as the three hugged.

"Who are you?" Lili asked a man with a wife-beater tank on and glasses. The man gave a sarcastic smile.

"I'm Doctor Murray Bauman," the man said in a matter-of-fact tone. At that, Lili hunched over and let the contents of her stomach out on the floor. She heard people behind her gag, but she didn't care. This baby was pushing her stomach away and up her throat.

"Looks like someone hates you more than me, Murray," Hopper said to Murray as he stepped back, letting his daughter reel on the floor.

"Sorry," Lili said to Hopper, pitting at some of her vomit on his shoes. Hoper looked down and spotted the splatter.

"Oh, geez," Hopper cursed and kicked the air, attempting to get the vomit off. "What the hell? Did you go on a roller coaster or something?"

Memories of Lili tumbling through the air literally five minutes ago flashed through her mind. "Something like that, yes."

"What kind of Doctor anyways?" Lili asked. "If you don't know anything about other dimensions and monsters that take over people's bodies and melt them and add them to its flesh spider thingy then you're no help."

"I'm a private investigator," Murray sneered. "You're one to talk, you can barely keep your stomach from pouring out of your nose."

"Hey," Hopper warned Murray.

"I'm gonna make your brains pour out of your nose if you disrespect me again," Lili tilted her head and made a migraine arise in Murray's head. Murray groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Hey!" Hopper took Lili's shoulders and shook her. "What's wrong with you? Why are you so defensive all of the sudden?"

"Oh! It's probably because of the bun in her oven," Steve shouted from across the mall. Hopper's head snapped up and looked at Steve in anger.

"Excuse me?" Hopper said in a dangerously calm tone.

"Steve, shut up," Sue hissed. Nancy hit him on the arm, but he didn't notice.

"Yeah, Lili's 'preggo'," Steve said as if Hopper would find this amusing. "I can't believe it either. I mean, you turn your back once and poof! Pregnant..."

Hopper gave his signature pissed-off smile and nodded. He marched up to Steve and grabbed his collar. "Are you the irresponsible asshole I have to punch for getting my daughter pregnant?!"

"No!" Lili yelled at Hopper. "Dad! It's not Steve!"

Steve's eyes were as wide as saucers and his hands were gripping Hopper's fists, trying to pry them open.

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