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Lili caught up with the kids and Max yanked her down to crouch underneath a booth in time for a piece of concrete to barely miss her head. Lili couldn't help but scream as it crashed into the wall in front of her. Together, the four sat knee to chest as they listened to the monster prowl beside them.

There was a sudden static from the middle of the mall and Dustin's voice traveled through the air.

"Griswald Family, this is Scoops Troop, do you copy? Over!" The lone walkie-talkie sounded. No one dared to move or even breathe as the monster walked slowly.

"Griswald Family, I repeat; this is Scoops Troop, do you copy?!" There was silence except for the footsteps of the Mind Flayer.

"Do you copy?!" Dustin screamed.

The device stopped when Lili heard the monster slam its claw onto something. It roared into the walkie-talkie and it sent shivers down Lili's spine. It hurled the walkie-talkie over to the Imperial Panda food booth and shattered the top off. It slid towards the overturned car where Lucas, Nancy, Will and Jonathan hid.

"Griswald Family, please confirm your safety!" Dustin's distorted voice wafted through the air. His pleas and cries for someone to say that we were all safe were enough for Lili's breath to hitch in sadness. No one knew if they were alive or dead. Lili could feel her heartbeat in her fingers and toes and she could hear it pumping to her brain.

The monster stalked over to where Lili, Max, Mike and Eleven were. Max clutched the sides of the kiosk until her knuckles turned white and El looked like she was trying to hold it together. Mike squeezed his knees to his chest in fear. Lili, on the other hand, was on the balls of her feet whilst crouching. She was ready to spring to her feet and fight if she needed. She still clutched the ignition cable in her hands.

Lili heard screeches and chitters from beside the kiosk and the monster let out a low growl. It finally let out a roar and walked towards the kiosk and hovered over it, before growling again and walking away. Max squeezed Lili's hand from nerves and Max shut her eyes, trying to wake up from the bad dream.

The monster made its way to the other side, hitting multiple pillars along the way. Lili peeked her head out from the side of the beer kiosk to look at what was happening. The Mind Flayer grabbed a dead Russian by its legs and flung it behind it when it realized that it wasn't what he was looking for.

Mike peeked out from the top and nodded once, returning back down. Lili saw this and yanked him down harshly.

"Are you out of your mind?" She whispered harshly.

"I was checking to see if it was close," Mike defended himself.

"And?" Max egged.

"It turned away," Mike said lowly. "If we go up the stairs now, we'll make it."

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