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"Hey, kid," a voice sounded above Lili. She turned, hopefully to find Hopper standing before her, but it was just an EMT. Her shoulders visibly slumped and she resumed her gloomy state. The EMT sighed and stood closer to her.

The mall was on fire, or so the news says. Doctor Sam Owens had came with backup a minute too late. Billy's dead body laid inside that mall, cold and alone. Lili's had shook, the Saint Christopher necklace dangling and shaking from her grip. Her lips were parted as she muttered something incoherently.

"Please..." her lips moved quickly, as if she was reciting a spell. The EMT just looked at her, flipping over pages on his clipboard. His eyebrows raised when he read that she was pregnant.

"Do you feel any pain?" He asked her. She looked up at him and found that his eyes were blue. His hair was a little long and wavy and she couldn't help but think of Billy. Tears welled in her eyes as she continued to stare deep in the EMT's eyes.

"Can I have a different EMT, please?" She whispered. The EMT looked at her in surprise, but stepped away and grabbed a blonde EMT, whispering something in her ear. The blonde stepped forward and grabbed the clipboard from the other EMT.

"Do you have any abdominal pain?"

"No," Lili hoarsely.

"Any bleeding?"


"Any pain?" The EMT looked at Lili expectantly. Her body shook as flashes of Billy being impaled went through her mind.

"Only in my heart," Lili said to herself.

"I'm sorry?" The EMT leaned in closer. Lili finally looked at the blonde and realized that she was still there.

"Um, no," Lili coughed. The EMT nodded and set the clipboard down, assessing to Lili's facial wounds and the scrapes on her arm.

"I read that you're pregnant..." the EMT tried to make small talk, but Lili wasn't listening to her. "Congratulations..."

Soon, her voice was complete gone and Lili was stuck looking at the firefighters trying to put out Billy's car. The flames died down and one of them walked over to Max who was sitting in another EMT van. They were talking and the firefighter held a pale pink paper and tried to give it to Max, but she pushed it away and pointed to Lili who sat in her own van, staring out into the distance.

The firefighter walked up to Lili with the pink paper in hand. He gave her a weak smile and fidgeted with the fire-licked paper.

"Are you Lili Hopper?" The firefighter asked. Lili looked up and tears formed again when she heard her last name.

"Yes," Lili said plainly.

"Here," the firefighter pushed the paper to her. She looked at him and grabbed it, skimming its contents.

On the header, it read; OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATION. Her eyes traveled down to read the rest;




"I need your signature if you want the car," the man said with his pen out. Lili took it and messily scrawled her signature which was just a big cursive L and then a scribble at the end.

"The car's yours," the firefighter looked at the paper, leaving Lili looking at the half-burned camaro in the parking lot. "Do you need a key made?"

"No," Lili grasped the brass key around her neck that was tied to a string. The fireman left, leaving Lili alone.

El walked up to her sister who was wrapped in a gray blanket. Lili saw her and her eyes lit up a little. Only a little.

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