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"... and the Mind Flayer now knows that she's the only thing that can stop him?" Mike asked. Lily wasn't listening at all. All her mind was on at that moment was Billy. The emotion she saw when he found out she was pregnant, there was fear, happiness, anger and so much more. He was fighting that monster and Lily wished so bad that she could run back to him and in his arms and get that virus out of him once and for all. Then they could go to California on July seventeenth like they said they would and start their lives there.

"And Lili," Nancy said. Lili's attention was gained again and she looked around the room.

"What?" Mike asked, his eyebrows raised. In truth, Lili didn't really speak to him again after what happened before the void. Neither Lili or Mike really cared and either way, they were fighting for the same thing so they would just tolerate each other.

"Lili too. The Mind Flayer is scared now, right? Because you fought it, right?" Nancy turned to the blonde. Lili nodded.

"Yeah, it's 'cause I fought Billy when he was Flayed. At least, that's what I think Billy was trying to say," Lili shrugged and looked down at her hands in her lap. She was sitting on the floor, staring at the TV still on the static station. Her eyes were dull now, fixated on the TV and the bags under her eyes were showing. Her cheekbones showed more since she barely sate the past three days. Her hair was knotted and greasy since she has been sweating and crying a lot.

"He also said that he was gonna kill all of you," El looked at everyone. Lili nodded.

"He told me that too," Lili said. "He said he was going to kill me... then El... then everyone else."

"When he told you this," Nancy turned back around to face El. "It was here, in this room?"

Lili and El both nodded. Nancy walked over to the window facing the fireworks that were going off. "Do you guys hear that?"

"The fireworks?" Lili asked, standing up and next to her.

"No, that rustling noise," Nancy said, not taking her eyes off the trees. Lili followed her line of sight and noticed that the trees were shaking. Not the leaves or branches, the trees.

"It's here," Will said. The pair turned around to find his touching the back of his neck. Those rustling trees might not be from the wind. Lili walked quickly past Will on the couch to the front door, yanking it open and running down the steps. Everyone followed after her to look at what was coming.

Lili stood in front of everyone else and watched as the trees were being forced apart. A big, slimy spider-like creature shoved the trees away and knocked them down, making its way towards the cabin.

"Shit," Nancy mumbled. Lili turned around and looked at the kids.

"Everyone back inside!" She ordered. Jonathan led the kids back and everyone ran back into the cabin. Nancy and Lili were the last ones inside and Lili turned and slammed the door shut.

Lili walked over to the closet where Hopper kept his guns and tossed one at Nancy. She checked to see if there were bullets and then cocked the gun. Lili gave Nancy some more bullets to pocket and Nancy grabbed them. Lili looked at everyone who was staring at her, waiting for her to tell them what to do.

"Board up the windows, grab anything that could be used as a weapon!" Lili shouted at them. They all got to work, Lucas and Mike grabbed the bookcase and slid it over to one of the windows and Lili helped Max board up the window over the kitchen sink. Everyone tried their best to make the cabin a fortified area, but it all seemed too little to Lili.

When Jonathan and Nancy finished hoisting the couch up and blocked the front door, the lights started flickering. Everyone gathered in the middle of the room in a circle. Jonathan gripped his axe, Nancy readied her gun and Lili and El had their hands at the ready.

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