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also, major fluff n stuff ]

"Ollie!" Lili shouted through her megaphone. "No pushing!"

The little kid, no more than seven, visibly deflated. Like every boy at the pool, he had a massive crush on Lili. Most of them started after she'd yell at them, but Ollie was a softie, he hated being yelled at.

Seeing his change in demeanor, Lili got down from her lifeguard chair and walked over to the kid.

"Hey, kid," she called over to him. His eyes lit up when she got right in front of him. "Try not to push him next time and I'll let you in the jacuzzi."

"But that's only for adults," Ollie said. Lili smirked.

"Exactly." Ollie grinned and scurried the other way to probably tell his friends what happened.

"If you keep on feeding them, they'll never go away." Lili turned to see Billy walk up to her in his red lifeguard swim trunks.

"I always feel so bad whenever I have to yell at one of them." Lili looked back at Ollie who was talking really fast with his friends.

"They deserve it, they can read." Billy referred to the big signs outside that said, 'No Running', 'No Dunking', and 'No Screaming'.

"You'd be a great dad," Lili rolled her eyes. She stopped immediately after those words left her lips. How could she be so stupid?

"Billy, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking-"

"It's okay, Lils, really," Billy just smiled.

"I'm an idiot," Lili laughed.

"I mean..." Billy raised his brows. Lili hit him on the chest.

"Shut up." Lili left to her chair after and Billy just watched her as she climbed up. Once she was on the chair, Lili looked back at Billy and gave him a small wave.

After Lili's shift, she left the chair for the pool house to check out.

"And let me tell you..." She heard Cory's voice trail from the staff room. "It's gonna be easy."

"What's gonna be easy?" Lili asked. Cory jumped upon hearing the girl's voice and turned in his chair to look at her. Another guy was in the room who was a new comer.

"Getting new pool toys," Cory blurted. He felt his face heating up at being caught by the one person he didn't want to he caught by.

"New pool toys?" Lili asked, walking to the other side of the room to grab her punch card. "Don't we have enough?"

"Well, that's what's so easy," Cory shrugged. Lili raised her brow. He made no sense, but she decided not to dwell on it.

"Okay, well, Billy and I are checking out," Lili said as she reached for Billy's card.

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