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"Well," Lili rounded the couch and sat down. "Where is he?"

"In his room," El replied.

"Is there anyone else?" Nancy asked. El shook her head no.

"That's weird," Lili shook her head. "Alone on the fourth?"

"Then again," Nancy pointed to her. "He is Flayed."

"Right," Lili nodded, biting her lips into a thin line.

"I can try to find him again," El suggested.

"I can locate him," Lili said.

"Have you ever been in the Void?" Will asked.

"The what?" Lili turned to him.

Will shifted in his seat as she looked at everyone in the room with unease. "The Void. It's like the black room with a water floor that Eleven enters everytime she does... this."

"Oh," Lili understood. "No. I don't think that's part of my abilities."

"Have you ever tried?" Lucas asked. Lili shook her head.

"Can you?" Mike asked. Lili looked at him. "Try, I mean."

"Sure..." Lili shrugged. "I just don't know where to start."

El stood up and went to get water, tired of going to the Void. Lili watched her go, her attention slipping from the conversation about Billy wanting them to find them and how it's dangerous and a trap.

Lili watched El pick up a Lucky Charms cereal box that Lucas was eating earlier. El set it back down and turned back to the group in the living room.

The sisters caught each other's eyes. "Mama," El said simply. Immediately, Lili knew what she was talking about. El told her about how she asked her mother in the Void to show her what happened to her, and she did.

"Maybe he can tell us what happened," Lili stood up. El looked scared, tears forming in her eyes.

"I don't know Billy," El stuttered. "I don't know how he'll react."

Lili swallowed harshly, looking at El. "I think I know a way around that."

"All good?" Lili asked El. El nodded and wrapped her eyes in a blindfold. Lili watched her do it, not knowing if there was a specific technique to it or not. She copied her anyways and tied the blindfold harshly around her head. Her hand found El's and both their powers hummed in response.

Soon, the static from the TV fell away and was replaced by an echo of something that Lili didn't know.

At first, Lili thought that she had her eyes closed, or that'll didn't work. But she saw El's hair next to her. She turned and found her sister staring straight at her. Both of their feet were bare and it seemed that they were walking on water.

But Lili couldn't feel it. She didn't feel the water. In fact, she couldn't even feel the ground. In the Void, she couldn't feel a thing.

"El?" Lili said to her sister to see if she could hear her.

"Lili," El responded, nodding to her.

"Don't let go," Lili whispered, their conjoined hand gripping each other tightly.

"I won't," El said. "I promise."

Lili drew in a deep breath and decided to look around. It was just water as far as they both could see. El started to walk forward and she yanked Lili along, having her stumble.

Their hands disconnected for a second. Lili's eyes were blinded by a bright white light before returning back into the Void, where El caught her hand again.

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