Chapter 6~ Goodbye.

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A/N: So... I dedicated it to her 'cause she said my story is lovely xD I'm flattered! 'Cause it's still the beginning and I already have loving readers! Anyway... this chapter is for you!!!!!!!! Hope you like it. (:


~*~ Your POV ~*~

As I got inside the house, I'm really anxious on what will my mom say. First of all, I don't wan't to leave her soon, at least they should make it after 2 days so I can spend at least a day of my summer with mom, and second I don't wan't her to feel alone. I know it's only for 3 months but, she's easly depressed since my dad left us, that's why I'm so anxious.

I saw mom cooking dinner. I walked towards her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey mom! I'm home!" I greeted.

"Hi sweetheart! Why so chirpy?" My mom smiled at me.

"Well, I'm just gonna.... say something to you."

My mom stopped and sounded worried on what I'm gonna say. "What is it sweetheart." She tried to sound calm.

"I-it's about the tour...." I gulped

"What is it about?"

"I-i'm leaving tomorrow."

She froze then continued cooking.

"I'm sorry, mom!" I felt guilty 'cause I really hate seeing her like this.

She turned the stove off and grabbed the plate that's beside the stove and looked at me. "Sweetheart, I understand.''

I started to calm down a bit. I was relieved that she's not gonna cry or whatever a depressed woman should do. "I'm just worried that you'll get lonely here."

"Sweetheart," She held my shoulders "It's alright, I'll just call your aunt to keep me accompanied."

"You sure mom?"

"Yes, I am." She gaved me sweet smile and hugged me. "Now pack your things for tomorrow."

I ran to my room and got out my big pink shoulder bag and packed some clothes and stuff I need. My mom called from downstairs and said it's time for dinner. I carried Cheyenne and walked downstairs. I got inside the dining room and put cheyenne down near her dog food. I sat beside my mom and started eating.

"So, be nice to Greyson, okay?" My mom started.

I sighed "Fine."

"And I mean be REALLY nice to him."

"I know, I know! I heard!"

"I don't wan't you to beat him up again, okay?"

"Mom! Don't be so anxious about it! I'll be nice to him. I promise."

My mom smiled and we continued eating.

~*~ The next day ~*~

I woke up extra early and did my daily routines. I carried my bags down stairs and waited for Greyson, then the doorbell rang.  I assumed it will be Greyson but when I opened the door, My friends gaved me a tight hug.

"We'll miss you YN!" They said.

"Hey, you guys got me into this and now you're gonna miss me?" I chuckled.

"But we'll really miss you." Alliah said, wiping away her tears.

"You guys are over reacting! It's only for 3 months!" We group hugged.

A car stopped infront of our house and a guy who's wearing A black tinted shades, Denim pants, Black converse shoes and a plain white V neck shirt got out from the car and walked towards the house. Yes, it was Greyson.

"So? Are we leaving now?" Greyson asked.

"I'll go get my bags." I walked to the living room and grabbed my bags and gaved my mom a good bye hug and kiss on the cheek. When I got back, I saw my friends talking to Greyson and squealing. Greyson saw me and helped me with my bags. "Let me help you with that."

"Thanks." Is all I can say.

We got inside the car. Me and Greyson sat in the back seat and waved good bye to my mom and friends. I looked out the car window since that's what I always do when I don't feel like being excited and all.

"You ok?" Greyson asked.

I sighed and looked at him "I'm gonna miss them."

He just smiled at me and scratched whiskey's chin.

I suddenly felt something moving in my backpack. "Woah!"

"What is it?" Greyson leaned closer.

I slowly opened my bag and Cheyenne's head popped up. "What the? Cheyenne! You scared me."

"Well, there's no other choice but to take her with us."

~*~ Fast forward ~*~

Finally, we arrived at the airport. As we walked towards the lobby, I saw an airplane taking off. Oh, and did I mention that I'm terribly aftraid of heights? Well if not, I am! I gulped when I saw the airplane, the more we get near, the more I tremble.

We got inside the airplane and sat on our seats, I sat beside Greyson and beside the window, my heart palpitated. As the airplane started to move, I grabbed Greyson's hand and squeezed it tight.

"Ouch! What's the matter with you? Scared of a little airplane?" Greyson teased.

I nodded with my eyes closed.

Then the airplane took off, I started to scream really loud, then Greyson covered my mouth.

"Shhhuuushhh!!" Greyson whispered.

I continued to scream even if Greyson's hand is covering my mouth.

"Stop screaming!" Greyson said.

I still screamed. Then Greyson wrapped his arms around me and rested my head on his chest. I started to calm down, I can hear his heart beat making me calm even more. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Greyson looking at me.

"Feel better?" He smiled at me.

I pushed him away from me "I don't need your hug!" Then I looked out the window. My heart palpitated again. I abruptly hugged Greyson and buried my head on his chest. He patted my back and whispered "Don't worry, I'm here! I'll protect you."

I hugged Greyson for the rest of the flight. We watched some movies on his iPod, still he's arms are wrapped around me and my head resting on his chest. Then I fell asleep and so did Greyson who's head is now resting on my head. I felt comfortable with him like this.


To be continued...

So, I updated it now, which means I already updated 2 stories today! You owe me guys. xD Just kitten! I will not update the next chapter tomorrow 'cause I'm going to study for our quiz (: Hope you understand! More cheesy moments to come! and it starts now!!!

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