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i got ready and then , i walked downstairs to meet him an his friends all sitting down in the living room

"Fuck yall staring at ? " i said an August mean mugged me , then motioned his head for me to follow him , an i did as told.

He toke us into the hallway an put his hands over my neck an lightly choked me " stop actin so stuck up ight ? "
I ignored him an looked to the side " those are my friends , stop acting this way " he said then he hit the wall

I had nothing to say so i jus rolled my eyes an walked into the kitchen to grab a snack only to get my ass smacked an i looked back to see one of august is friends "Aye dont fucking touch me " i turned around an grabbed a pack of oreos

"Dont fucking touch me " he mocked, i ignored him an started to open the pack of oreos until he  kissed my neck

ian gon lie that shit felt good

I jus stood there in shock as he passionately kissed my neck, he stopped an paused to jus stare then he walked back inna living room leavin me speechless

i made my way into the living room trying to forget what had happened , i got on my phone an started texting my bestfriend , an i smiled as we texted ab funny shit

"Aye who got u smilin like dat mo ? " fat said , which made august jump up an he snatched my phone from me , i immediatly chased after him

"FAT YOU DEN STARTED SOMETHING WITCHA FAT ASS " i said but he just gave me a mean mug an followed August "give me back my shit "  i said but he jus threw my phone

"Nigga i was texting my bestfriend wtf " i said but then felt a sting go across my face " IDGAF " he yelled pushing me onna ground , he spit on me then walked back inside the house . i sat there crying just thinking

Why me ? What did i do ? .....

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