twenty one 💕 .

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There stood my father , and i looked at him with tears in my eyes and he spoke "Please just let me talk to you " he said and i shook my head looking back "Outside and you got 3 minutes that's all , the twins are upstairs and i don't need you making anything hard for them " i said coming outside closing the door behind me and he stood in-front of me before speaking .

"I'm sorry babygirl , i really am " he said and i ignored him i didn't wanna hear that .

"I really didn't mean to- " he tried to say but i cut him off "You know what you put me through? i got pregant by somebody you let take full control over me , and when i still had school? how could i forgive somebody that made me go through all that " i said raising my voice a little .

"I'm still your father " he said looking at me with full on anger in his eyes "Well not anymore , a real father wouldn't do that " i said before going back inside pouring my eyes out , he really had the nerve to show up here after all of this.

I looked down at my phone as it started ringing and i looked to see it was chris "Wassup? " i asked in a low voice due to all the crying .

"Wassup with you mamas ? you aight ?" he asked sounding worried "I'm fine , so what you needed ?" i asked wiping my tears going to sit on the couch "We should all go out to eat , you know as friends and family you could bring some of your people . i can bring some people i fw and we all just chill " he said and i didn't say anything .

"And you know we need this too, we haven't really spent time with anyone ever since what happened we need a break , some fun foreal " he said and i spoke "whatever chris" i said and he hung up saying he was gonna call me back .

-3 hours later -

in frustration i got up and went up to my bedroom after i finished eating and went into my bathroom , i took a nice long shower since the girls were with tianna .

i stepped out wrapping myself in a robe , i put on my slippers when i finished up i heard glass break so i got scared and texted chris to see if he was home .

still didn't get a answer , i signed grabbing a bat in the bathroom waking out slowly .

"Drop yo shit " a familiar voice said and i looked over at the door .

"Oh my fuckin god " i said in fear .

"August " i said about to cry and held my bat up here and he spoke "I ain't come here to hurt you , i came here to say a couple of things " he said and i backed up some .

"One , you and chris thought y'all was slick but nah i got both of y'all asses y'all gon get what's coming for y'all . and i ain't letting you know when either " is all he said before exiting out my room and i quickly looked down the steps making sure he left out . i ran downstairs locking all the doors , and all then pulled my phone out calling chris again.

Why isn't he answering , like bro what the fuck .

Chris (P.O.V")

"Man i don't know " i said being held at gun point , "You really thought we was friends huh ? " kevin said grabbing the duffel bags off the table and i looked over at him in anger

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"Man i don't know " i said being held at gun point , "You really thought we was friends huh ? " kevin said grabbing the duffel bags off the table and i looked over at him in anger .

"You won't get away with this shit " i said yelling at him and he laughed coming over to me "We will see about that " he smiled looking at me and i mugged him

* Malaysia (P.O.V )

i got in my car heading over to tiannas to see what was up and to if she had heard anything from him , when i got there it was some other cars there as well i rushed out the car going over to her  "what's goin on ?

"Chris is in trouble " she said and i looked at her in fear thinking august might of did something

she explained to me on how he said he
was finna chill with some friends and afterwards she didn't hear a word from either neither did some of his homeboys which left everyone in concern "i got his location " i quickly remembered "bitch let's fuckin go " she said grabbing some guns and we hopped in the car pulling off

while she was driving i looked over at her "where my kids at? " i asked . "They fine , they with my momma after i found all this happened i had to make sure you and them were straight . " she said and i nodded as we arrived at the location and got out. .

"When we go in that bitch , shoot anybody we don't know " she said and i nodded following in behind her as we put on our masks first .

We got in and walked in hearing someone yelling so we got closer to the sound seeing a door. we opened it quietly before going down there "Drop y'all guns bitches " this dude i never seen said turning towards as while chris was behind him tied up he looked okay there was no cuts , bruises or anything .

We dropped them and then he looked back at chris , as soon as he looked back i picked it up again "Yo momma a bitch and she raised one too" i said pulling the trigger fast and his body dropped to floor tianna and chris looked at me shocked and i shrugged "What? he deserved that shit " i said going over to chris and untied him

I hugged him tightly and he picked me up "Aye tianna call the cleaning crew to get this shit up " he said and she nodded pulling out her phone going upstairs and me and chris started kissing slowly then i pulled away "where my thank you at fool?" i asked and he laughed.

"Thank you ugly " he said kissing my lips "Now let's go home and get some rest for this fuckin dinner " he said and i looked down .

"You wouldn't believe who showed there face today" i said getting a little mad.



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