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Malaysia (P.O.V)

I woke up tied up and i looked around hearing someone walking towards the door and i quickly closed my eyes "Get up bitch" august said turning on the light coming over to me and i kept my eyes shut

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I woke up tied up and i looked around hearing someone walking towards the door and i quickly closed my eyes "Get up bitch" august said turning on the light coming over to me and i kept my eyes shut

"Since you wanna act like that, shit bet" he said walking out, 2 seconds later he came back in with a blade "Say i won't slit yo fuckin throat right now " he said coming closer to me staring at me with a death glare and i didn't respond.

"that's what i thought " he said putting it on the desk beside him "i'm finna make yo ass pay for tryna run away from me though " he evily grinned then untied me from the bed and i pushed him off me quickly and grabbed the blade that was beside him and stabbed him with it in the leg and dashed downstairs as fast as i could with him behind me as soon as i made it too the door he grabbed me then backhanded me on the floor

i started crawling away and he grabbed my foot pulling me back towards him and then i felt a hard ass blow to my face and everything felt dizzy and  after that all i could see was black


I rubbed my eyes looking around seeing that i was inna chair and i tried moving my legs but realized i was in chains august came over to me with a pot in his hands and i shot my eyes at him

"So you think this shit funny huh" he said and i shook my head no fast and he splashed bowling hot water on me and i screamed out in pain

"Stop" i yelleed crying and he nodded his head then grabbed a metal bar , something you would use for a stove , he took the bar and lit it with his lighter then cane up to me and pressed it against my thigh and i screamed out in pain crying looking down at my now red thigh , i had a large ass burn .

august didn't even care , he looked at me for a minute then did the same thing again but this time on my arm and i screamed for him to stop and he did he smiled "Bad girls get bad treatment " he said going over to his closet grabbing out a whip

he grabbed me and started unchained me and i started kicking at him as he tried removing my clothes , he held me down and removed everything then tied me back down this time with my legs spread apart .

he chuckled "You like this position " he said looking at me and i cried not saying a word

he shrugged "ight then" he grabbed the whip and started hitting me everywhere , he went into the kitchen and came back with some cooking oil  and threw it on me then continued beating me as he heard me crying

There was a ring at the doorbell and august quickly got up and untied me then threw me on the floor by the steps "Get yo self together " he said and i ran upstairs crying

i ran into my room and slammed the door shut and slid down the door with my hands in my face, i looked down at myself ashamed .

and remembered what my momma always use to tell me when i was younger

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