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"Tf malaysia ? " he said running up to me , then pushed me to the ground " you really ditched me for him? " i could see the hurt in his eyes but he hurt me too so i didn't really care and plus he just using me because of my dad oweing him money .

I just looked at trey because he really jus gon let this happen ? Well thats what i thought but then trey cocked back his fist an punched August in his jaw , before i knew it they both were fighting

"Bro stop " i yelled tryna stop the fight but it didn't work i even called people over to help but they still couldnt pull em apart. they both came to ah atop and August yanked me by my arm '"Lets go " he said stern an left trey on the ground with a bloody nose , an busted lip

When me an august got the car an opened the door an pushed me inside , im tired of him pushing me around im done with it i crossed my arms an looked out the window as the car ride was silent until he spoke

"When we get home, yo ass is gettin it " he said an i jus rolled my eyes an shrugged my shoulders " an that damn attitude gon stop" he placed his hand on my thigh an rubbed it up an down


when we got home, i rushed inside an ran to my room with auguat walking right behind me " Fuck is u running for huh? " he pushed me onna ground and threw a vase at me

I tried to run but there was no use , i felt weak ........

He slapped me in my face , stomped on my body an then he pushed all the stuff off my dresser on me i full on heartbroken ...



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August ( P.O.V)

I decided to make breakfast because i felt bad for what i did to malaysia last night , i really didn't mean for things to go that far i jus wanted her to learn her lesson

I cooked up some waffles, grits,eggs, bacon,toast,pancakes, an some other stuff then out it on plates an placed 2 cups of coffe on the table as well

i heard footsteps an i looked up to see malaysia standing there she looled hurt , she had a bruise on her cheek bone , scratch on her eyebrow , and a busted lip

i felt bad from what i did to her , Malaysia came over to the table an sat down an i came behind her an kissed her cheek " i love u baby" i said but got no response

"I know you hear me "

"Malaysia "

"MALAYSIA ! " she looked up at me an rolled her eyes " huh ? " she said an lookes off to the side like something was on her mind

"Baby what's da matter" i used my index finger to turn her head facing me , then i pecked her lips " i made you some food babygirl" she smiled an went to grab a plate but i smacked her ass

she chuckled then grabbed her plate an started eating " go get dressed" she shok her head an went to get dressed, an i waited for her inna car

"Damn girls take so long to get ready " i thought to myself an then malaysia came out , ian gon cap shawty was lookin fine 😌

"Damn girls take so long to get ready " i thought to myself an then malaysia came out , ian gon cap shawty was lookin fine 😌

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Malaysia ( P.O.V)

i put on my fit ( btw its right there ^)

and walked outside to see august i wanted to laugh so hard because he looked annoyed asf

we got inna car and we drove to this place it was a diner and it looked nice asf, August opened the door for me an we walked in hand in hand , he is being so sweet rn is he up to something ? i thought

me and august found our seats and we grabbed the menus , i ordered a salad while he got the steak meal .

the waitress came over to the tabke with our food after which seemed forever , the waitress handed august a piece of paper when she handed him his food i flicked her off an looked at august an snatched the paper out his hand

This bitch really then - , i got up an kicked the bitch in her mf back an she just ran away crying , i ripped up the paper an threw it onna ground then began eating my food

August smacked his teeth , an started eating too

"Yea u finna have my kids soon too "

"Uh no tf im not " i said rolling my eyes

me and august was having a nice conversation , after we payed for outr food then got inna car

As me and August was in the car we talked , chilled, and just laughed about random shit , until i seen a black car following us

"AUGUST LOOK! " i yelled pointing an he checked for his gun

"Shit ! " he yelled

"I forgot my gun !" He yelled an i sarted to cry because i didnt wanna die yet , not like this ...

I thought until everything went black

Ouu yall whats finna happen next?

Did they die ?

They alive? Keep reading to find out 💀

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