thirty 💕

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^^ That's the new dudeeeee his name is Treyvon (A.K.A toosie😩)

I looked at chris with a irritated look , feeling a shiver go down my spine from looking at him.

Looking away as he asked me again about taking me out i sighned in frustration giving in knowing i promise myself no.

"Okay but not for a long time chris i don't even like being around you no more and you know this " i said feeling myself irritated at the 3rd time he said please .

"Bet mamas " he said licking his lips and i mugged him holding the twins is hands going over to the slide sliding down with them .

-1 hour later -

"Awww look at mommys babies " i said looking at liyah and miya standing  beside eachother looking tired "Come on let's get y'all home " i said going over to them picking them up and then bringing them to the car putting them in.

I then got in myself waiting for chris to get off the phone , snapping me out my thoughts i looked to the side as he got in fast looking like he was angry but i didn't say not one word .

With that we pulled off making our way back to the house, and then got out i called tianna over to see if she can watch the kids until we get back from this little ass thing chris wants to do.

Im only going because he was bugging me into this shit nd it was gettin mad annoying .

I brought the twins upstairs into there room and layed them both down in miyahs bed "Y'all is too cute " i whispered kissing them on there foreheads lightly then walked out making sure to turn the light off and crack there door .

I walked downstairs into the living room looking at tianna come through the door and i went over and hugged her "Thanks boo foreal , this was just brought up on me" i said shaking my head .

"It's cool you know i got you " she said and i handed her some money before leaving out with chris getting back into the car .

In silence we pulled off until he broke it "So what you mad at me for?" he asked stopping the car somewhere with nobody around

"You know , so why you acting like you don't " i said crossing my arms looking to the side feeling myself slowly getting irritated.

"Look it's cool, it's over with " i said before he could say anything and then looked back out the window .

"I'm sorry foreal malaysia , i was just mad and that doesn't mean what i did was okay but hear me out " he said in a low and calm tone .

"I will never do that again to you " he said pulling out this necklace and i looked at it .

"Get out the car real quick" he said and i got out and looked at him as he came behind me putting it around my neck and then kissed my temple "And that's my word " he said turning me around after .

"I really appreciate the necklace and all , and i mean i can forgive but i just can't forget . " i said

"Especially not right now " i added on and he nodded .

"But also i wanna make what i did all up to you " he said grabbing my hand bringing me over to the door and then opened it for me .

And i got in as he closed and then jogged over to my side .

I drifted off to sleep while looking at the trees past.

Feeling myself being shamed i woke up slowly looking at chris and then at this beach , it was nice it had a romantic hotel next to it and all.

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