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I woke up to have lights flashed in my eyes " shes woke !" I heard of the doctors say an i opened my eyes an seen my best friend, friends, and all

"Where df is august ?" I called tionna over " where august ?

(Btw tion a her bestfriend )

"He left to go get sum to eat or sum like dat, buh how u feeling? "

"Good ig " i looked at myself and i had a broken arm and thats it , wheww thank god 🙏

August busted through the door , he had a taco bell bag in his hand with a dr pepper .
"You alright. ? How you feelin ? " he asked , he had a cut on his eyebrow , busted lip, an that was all

If it wasn't for god , we coulda been 6 feet under right now .. So i thank tje lord ....

"Ima leave yall 2 alone " tionna said and everyone else followed her, my mom an dad came over to my bed an kissed my forehead then they walked out and left me and august the only ones

"I really love u i really do, ion kno what I would do if ian have u " he said an pulled me inna hug an i saw a tear slip out his eyes

"Man and i know i dont tell u that often , but i love yo ass and im foreal " he kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly " i love you too " i replied an kissed him back .

Someone started to call august , an he went outside the room door an after 5 minutes he came back in

"Aye im going to the trap unless u want me to stay here "

"I want you to stay here " i pouted an he came over to the bed an slapped my thigh

"Ima ask ya bestfriend to stay with u rq while i go to the trap, its importnant "

"And that nigga trey might not be no good " he said an held my hand but ian respond , he called for tionna to come in the room with me and she did while he left to head to da trap .

"And that nigga trey might not be no good " he said an held my hand but ian respond , he called for tionna to come in the room with me and she did while he left to head to da trap

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August (P.O.V)

I felt bad for having to leave malaysia in the hospital rn , but im doing it for a good reason. I was goin to the trap to find out who in tf made us get in a car crash

I was beyond mad , and i think it wad that nigga trey even though i known him since diapers he still kind of seemed odd , and why tf would he wanna fw malaysia ? Either way she gotta stay with me due to the contracr ha dad made

And ima soon make her have my kids , an we gon get married , im making some big plans for me and her future, but anyways snapping me out my thoughts I pulled up to the trap

I walked in and everyone was slacking " Aye yall keep slackin an yall asses ain gettin full pay" i yelled pointing at them and made my way to the back

"Yall we gotta find out who tf caused dat car crash "

"Nigga chill, we can find out later we tryna get fried rn "

"Im not boutta ride around , not knowining if that nigga is still out there sht , he prolly know where i lay my head at by now " i yelled back , causing all of then to jump an get to work

We worked all day tryna find out who tf did this , we soon came to a atop because we was tired so everyone went home, on my way to the hospital i called malaysia and picked her up sone food from wendys i got her a fofofo , with a lemonade as the drink .

I soon pulled up to the hospital and grabbed her food and went inside "aye room 168" i said an went to da front desk an the girl there stared me up and down an started writing something on a sheet

She sighned me in the room ,an i looked at the paper then her and said " no need " an with that said , i balled it up an threw it at her

ian got time for hoes , i got my own girl to worry about tf , i said and made my way to her room then creeped in

When i walked in she was sleep ,and i quietly went to her bed and kissed her forehead " wake up baby" and she pushed me off her .

"The doctor said i can leave , let's go.. "she said sliding on her slides

"Aight" i said back and grabbed my keys , and we left .

When we got home she rushed to her room an slammed the door , i tried to come in but it was locked " WTF OPEN THIS DOOR " i started pushing the door hard

I busted in the door an she was on the floor crying with a gun in her hand

"Why u gotta get me involved in this shit for ?"

"This thug shit , ion wanna be invovled " she said crying an with that she pulled the trigger

"Why me " i said an held her hand

-Malaysia dead ?

-How august feeling ?

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