twenty seven 💕.

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"The fuck"? chris said getting mad instantly .

"I should've knew his bitch had something to do with it " he said and i looked at him confused and he hugged  before pulling me into the hallway real quick with katie and her friend still sitting on the couch .

"Me and todd used to be mad close , that was foreal my nigga " he said .

"Until he did some foul ass shit so then we won't cool , and he always tried killing august. I never thought nothing of it right now because i thought that nigga was been gone " he said and i looked down

"What's wrong with you ?" chris asked and i looked back up "I know him , he works with me " i said .

"And? "chris asked pushing me up against the wall

"That's all , and the fact that he liked me. " i said bluntly and he nodded and stepped back "You should've told me that shit " he said walking away anger and i felt tears form in my eyes .

"Everything that has been going on is too much on me " i said coming over there with him yelling on the verge of crying "I was gonna tell you until things got worse " i said letting out all my tears crying hard into my hands .

Chris stood infront of me "I ain't mad at you aight ? now bring yo ass here " he said holding out his hands  and i walked up to him as he pulled me into a tight hug not letting me go.

"I'm sorry" i said while coughing trying to catch my breath from my crying "It's all good , don't even worry about it i ain't even tripping foreal " he said then kissed my temple

"But i'm bout to run over to some people's houses , gonna see what connections todd has cause ain't no damn way he could just kill august and not have nobody else with him or knownin of it " he said and i nodded as he grabbed katie and her friend by there hair dragging them out the house

"Y'all ugly asses coming with us " he said making there heads hit the stairs leaving out the house and i laughed following behind them then getting into the car as well .

We soon pulled up to the house we went to last time for august and then we got out and went inside .

"Aye y'all take these 2 downstairs " he said and then went outside and made a phone call as i stood out there with him .

When he finished he grabbed my hand and we both went downstairs and seen the two tied up too poles. .

"Y'all know who todd connected too? " chris asked and they both shook there heads quickly and he laughed then said " Y'all must know something " and they didn't reply .

"While you do this imma go pick up the kids " i said and embraced him into a slight hug before letting him go and leaving out .

This is crystal^^^

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This is crystal^^^

I went outside and called my friend crystal , me and her has been talking ever since i came down here but we really haven't really spoken to eachother recently .

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