thirteen ❤️ .

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August (P.O.V)

We all got up and walked towards the doctor "i'm sorry to say this but i'm afraid malaysia is fine but the baby isn't , the amount of injuries she has could really affect the baby she was also brutally beaten and raped "

I looked up quickly "Do any of you have any clue how this happened " the doctor said and i scratched my head "When we came home she was like this 

I looked over at chris and he mugged me then spoke "Can i have a word with her ?" he asked and the doctor nodded so he walked in

Chris (P.O.V)

I walked in there with malaysia and seen her woke and i walked over to her , she had a broken ankle , a bruise on her cheek , scratches all over her legs , and a large bruise on her leg as well i looked at her as he looked at me with tears in her eyes

"He raped me " she said and i didn't know what to say honestly i felt really bad for her

"I'm sorry ma , what happens you good ?" i asked getting closer to her and held her hand

"When he took me upstairs he started beating me and then tried to force me into having sex with him and i told him no so he started slapping me and shit forcing his self in me " she tried to say i'm the verge of breaking down

"I don't know what to do anymore , i don't even wanna be here" she cried and i could hear the hurt in her voice i squeezed her hand "It's gon be aight shawty "

We heard the door open and looked over at august coming in "You aight babygirl " he walked over to the bed and kissed her lips "Don't kiss me " she said pushing his head back

"Wait till you get out this fuckin hospital finna punish her ass some more " i looked at her stared in anger , i don't care that did this no more i cake in here to check on this bitch and she wanna act like this so foreal fuck her, i walked out mad and almost tripped when i walked out the door and i heard malaysia and chris laughing so i slammed the door and asked the doctor "When she can come home ?"

"I mean there's no reason why she can't go now " he said smiling and i shook my head then walked back in there "Get yo shit and come on" she got up slowly and chris helped her with the crutches and everything then put her in my car

Chris got in his car and pulled off then me and malaysia pulled off and i looked over at her

"Don't think just cause you injured i'm not finna beat yo ass" she didn't answer she just kept looking out the window with tears in her eyes

Man fuck those tears , i looked back to the road and pulled up at the house

"Get out " i said "I need help" she said opening her door

"I don't care i'm not helping you" she rolled her eyes and grabbed her crutches getting out the car and walked inside the house and i walked in behind her

I know y'all probably thinking why i didn't care , but i foreal don't give a fuck about her at this point only thing i'm worried about is my baby , weed , and fuckin foreal

We got inside and she stood in front of the steps with her crouches then looked at me "I'm not fuckin helpin " i yelled and mugged her then looked at her holding her head down and then the doorbell rung so i went to answer it

"Was good " i said dabbing up my homeboys chris and tyga and chris


i looked at chris walking up to me "Aye man she straight " august said coming over there pushing chris back "Nah she need help " chris pushed him back and then grabbed my hand and helped me upstairs by carrying me

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i looked at chris walking up to me "Aye man she straight " august said coming over there pushing chris back "Nah she need help " chris pushed him back and then grabbed my hand and helped me upstairs by carrying me

when we got to my room he layed me down on the bed and sat beside me "You aight mamas " he smiled looking at me and i nodded

"Whats wrong you hungry or sum? " he asked reaching in his back pocket for his wallet and i shook my head no , i wasn't trying to spend his money "Nah man let me buy you something to eat " he said rubbing my thighs and i nodded again "Imma get you some wendy's "

"I don't want anything " i said and looked up at the ceiling and he nodded getting in between my legs and put his hands on on my waist and looked at me and licked his lips

I needed some head right now , i haven't had any in a while so i let him do what he wanted and plus he's been here for me

he took of my clothes and started eating me out , and i let out quiet moans as i was arching my back and after a while i had climaxed and he came up licking his lips then kissed me still in between my legs

i smiled and then layed back and he pulled my clothes back up and then he kissed my forehead grabbing his keys walking out until he stopped and looked back "If you need something let me know little mama " he said leaving out closing the door and i cheesed thinking about what had happened and drifted off to sleep

when i woke up i heard moaning so i grabbed my crutches and walked the hall and peaked in august is room , when i looked in there i seen katie ...

i opened the door fully and looked at katie and august on top of each other "Really katie ? i thought you were my friend" i said at the verge of tears and looked at her coming over to me "it was nothing like that " she said putting her hand on my arm and i pushed it off

"I thought you were my friend , and your sleeping with the person who hurt me katie , the person who kidnapped me " i said pointing at august then let my hand fall and i started crying , i walked out of the room fast and into mines slamming the door

It's always the people your close to that hurts you ...

i grabbed my clothes and a suitcase and stuffed them in there along with my shoes

"I'm not staying here " i said crying and picking up my phone calling chris "Please come get me " i said crying harder and he said okay then i hung up and grabbed everything i'll need

someone opened my door and i looked up at august coming in shirtless "I'm sorry " he said coming over to me and i pushed him back "Ur not leaving me so put down those suitcases " he said stepping closer

"No just let me be , august " i yelled crying and he put his hands on his face walking out slamming the door behind him and i shook my head when someone else opened the door and i seen chris "You ready" he said and i nodded as he helped me out to the car and then put my stuff in the car and with that we pulled off

I'm glad chris is here for me , i know he's august a friend but on top of everything he's the only one who really stuck around i needed him especially after my own friend had sex with the person who hurt me , beat me , and kidnapped me i looked out the window thinking about it with tears coming down my eyes

chris looked over at me "it's gon be ight okay ? he said looking at me then back at the road "How bout this in the morning after you get yo self together , i'll take you to get yo nails done , all that you know? have yo own little spa day , i can get my cousin tyra to come with you "

i didn't say anything "Y'all can use my card and just have a little girls day or whatever " he looked back at me

"Period " he said i started laughing "Don't say that" i said laughing some more and he shook his head smiling and then we pulled up to his house it was mad large

chris helped me out the car and we both went inside we all my stuff and he set me on the couch , after we got everything settled we both sat down on the couch and watched movies while eating popcorn and laughing

-What y'all think about chris and malaysia ?

-What y'all think about what katie did ?"


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