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Later on that day after august threw my phone from texting my bestfriend, ive been sitting in my room sad asf just watching netflix , because without my phone im bored asf

I was inna middle of my show until august busted inna room, he came in an slowly kissed me on my forehead , then he pulled out a box which had a new phone in it " Baby im sorry please forgive me okay? " he said an i nodded my head an kissed him

"Can u please take me home , please ? " i said an he jus gave me a death stare " no you is not goin no where, ya dad owe me so ur stayin yo ass here "

I just sat there because , im getting used all because he wants money ? Wow .....

i looked away from him an continued to watch my show, August toke off his shoes an slid in the bed with me i turned the opposite way an he smacked my thigh "chill tf out " he said an rubbed on my thigh as i looked at the wall

After about like 5 minutes , august got up an walked towards the bathroom , he then came out an grabbed me by my leg an pulled me onna floor " wtf i was tryna sleep"
"An you gon do more of that when im finished with you " he said an i smacked my teeth

He pulled me inna bathroom, and all i saw was a bubble bath filled with rose petals , dimmed lights , an the room smelled of flowers , everything was perfect .

All of a sudden he's being so sweet ? But im finna enjoy it while i can i went ina bathroom an august kissed my neck " enjoy yourself' he said before winking an leaving out

I finished up my bath then put on my pink marble robe , an walked out to see august laying on the bed " nigga get cho smelly ass up outta my bed " i said removing his legs off the bed

He ignored me an got comfortable , i shrugged my shoulders an rolled my eyes as i toke of my robe an got in bed

da next morning ....

I got up to the smell of food , I know this nigga august is not cooking , i walked downstairs into the kitchen an all i saw was a buffet of bacon, eggs,pancakes,grits, with 2 glasses of orange juice as well

I went to grab a plate out the cabinet an august came behind me an kissed my cheek "morning ugly" he said then finished up the panckes he was making , I sat down on my phone an that same nigga from yesterday texted me

He wanted to know if i could go to the mall , an i replied back yes " Aye August is it ight if i go to da mall with my friend?" "Who the friend? " he raised an eyebrow an i just told em that it was ny bestie becuase this nigga ain gotta know who im finna b with

He said yes , an i went to get ready i put on some booty shorts, black tube top, with some all black jordans then i walked out da door , only to be smacked onna ass " Man wth " i covered my ass "Change dem shorts "
"Nigga what for ? " i said pulling em down " i said so now go " he pushed me

I did as told , i put on some ripped jeans an a tube top with the jordans still then August came in an shook his head , i walked past him to only be yanked to the floor an he started to kick me in my stomach " I told yo ass to change that shirt "

He stopped kicking me , i walked inna room crying then put on a black plain shirt , i finished getting myself together then got inna car an made my way to the mall

And ion know what august thought, but im not gon keep leeting him pit his hands on me thats dead al the md way .

at da mall ..

I pulled up to the mall an meeted august is friend , da one who slapped my ass yesterday

he got out his car an came to mines, i gave a confused look bc what ? he opened my door , an held my hand but this nigga needa let go cuz if August see this he finna go tf off

we walked in the mall hand in hand ,just talking " aye which store u tryna go to first ? " he said while scratching his head , " PINK ! " i yelled an grabbed his arm pulling him into p.i.nk.

"Get whatever you want" i was happy asf , like bitch im finna get all dis shit , i went and got all the perfumes, v.s sets , slides, bags , and clothes from p.i.nk then i met em at da cash register an he was talking to some girl

"Here my number ' she said an gave him a wink, " Nigga wtf" i said an starred to walk off but he grabbed my arm " lemme pay for your shit " i let him pay an then i walked off again with him behind me

"Why u acting this way for ? "

This nigga really got the nerve , " fuck you mean , you was just all on da bitch like ian see dat " i felt myself get angry.

"Look she ain't mean nothing to me , aight in here for you an only you " he kissed my cheek
" but you just met me ? "

"An my name is trey " he said

"And ian gotta know someone to know how special they are " he said an pulled me into a hug , when i looked up i saw someone that i didnt
expect would be here ..........

Oh shit , yall smell that ? Smell like drama

Who yall think it is ?

Do yall think Malaysia and trey finna fw eachother ?

Can yall be active an comment 💀 .

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