twenty four 💕.

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We got out the car walking towards this abandon looking house , to be honest this was creepy as fuck .

"Girl why you look nervous " tianna said laughing going over to the door , and i shrugged as she knocked and we heard screams . I quickly looked at her then banged on the door myself then stood back and seen the door opened. rolling my eyes i looked away from the beast who stood in ...august ...

"Where my kids ?" i asked and he pointed to the dude beside him and then the dude pushed the twins over to him then he pushed them to tianna "First of don't push my kids around " i said stepping up then backing up remembering the plan .

"Yea you betta back yo ass up " he said clenching his jaw up then moved to the side , and i walked in and he walked in behind me closing the door i immediately got scared .

Then crossed my fingers waiting on tianna .

"Let me talk to you about sum " august said and i shook my head no indicating that i didn't want to talk to him "Malaysia " he said sternly and i followed him into a room and then sat on the bed as he stood in front of the now closed door .

"Me and yo paps used to be cool " he said walking around then knocked something off the miny table beside the bed "Until he did some foul ass shit , so i gave him options" he said coming closer to me .

"What options ?" i asked furrowing my eyebrows and he gave me a blank stare then looked to the side and chuckled a little bit then started  rubbing his chin.

"That's nun of yo fucking business " he said before he got a call and then walked out the room , i quickly got up and peaked out the window to see tianna was gone and i tried opening the window and it didn't open , and i think she's going to get the rest. finna bust some ass today .

I went over to the bed and sat back down waiting .

About 3 minutes later august came back into the room slamming the door shut and then looked at me angry. .

"You gon pay for the shit yo sorry ass dad did " he said in anger before coming over to me pushing me down on the bed harshly then climbing his self on top of me "August move " i shouted in fear and he looked at me with the most devilish look as tears formed and he smiled  "I don't give fuck about you crying " he said getting up going out the room shutting the door and i broke down .
I ran over to the window and tried to open it but it wouldn't open then
I rested my hands in my face getting up calling tianna to see what was up and why they was taking so fucking long for this plan .

It ringed for a long time before her answering "Where are y'all ? " i asked getting confused "Were waiting on the crew" she said and i started yelling "Brah hurry the fuck i'm up i'm not staying here " i said mad as fuck and then paced around in the room before hearing august shouting

"That bitch ass nigga killed my ma " he yelled .

"I got some for her and her father sorry ass " he yelled again before coming in the room with me before grabbing me aggressively and taking me out the house .

At this point i was kind of scared , but tianna has my location and so does everyone else .

He shoved me in the car before pulling off and we pulled up to this big ass house and august got out and pulled me out as well "Get yo ass in that house " he said pushing me towards the door and then it opened .

There stood this tall man i had never seen before .

"Bring her in this bitch " he said in a cracky voice and i could see the hurt in his eyes and his august is i don't know what's going on.

Maybe this is his father ? i'm guessing .

They brought me up to this room before attempting to tie me up and i pushes my way through it as i dashed downstairs grabbing anything i could and they both charged down the steps walking slowly to me as i held a pan in my hands. .

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