twenty two 💕.

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Malaysia (P.O.V ) ^

I woke up to chris yelling on the phone , probably to one of his workers i assumed getting up holding my head going into the bathroom .

i did everything i needed too do , i slicked up my hair a bit more and then heard someone knock on the door "Dress nice " chris yelled and i groaned sliding on a white romper with some sandals .

i came out the bathroom applying some lip gloss , going over to chris and he pecked my lips "Be ready by the time i get back " he said and i nodded "Oh and make sure the girls are ready " he said before leaving out and i walked out my room peeking into liyahs .

"Get ready " i said leaving out and then walked into nya's telling her to get ready as well .

We were all getting ready for the dinner , it was going to be later though we're all just getting ready earlier i mean why not .

"Y'all wanna go to the movies ?" i asked the girls as they came out of there rooms and they nodded "Alright let's go" i said grabbing my keys picking them both up going out to my car putting them in there seats .

After i got them straight i hopped in and pulled off "Mommy can i play your phone ? " aaliyah asked and i looked back at her "Mommy needs her phone baby " i said looking back at the road and she started crying "Fine here " i handed her my phone letting her watch youtube .

i heard my phone ring so i looked back there and she hung up "Let me see that real quick " i grabbed my phone from her looking to see who called then looked back at the road , oh it was tianna.

i called her back "Wassup ?" i asked "Girlll so what are you wearing to the dinner " she asked dragging the word girl .

"Sum simple , you know how i do" i chuckled driving , and she replied with a mhm "well imma see you there " i said hanging up pulling up to the movies and we all got out making our way inside

Later on that day ~

Chris (P.O.V)

"Nigga hurry up " i said yelling at tyga , we were in the studio and this nigga was taking mad long .

"Fucking ugly ass " i said mugging him rolling up .

"Alien shaped ass head " he mumbled under his breath and i looked at him like he was stupid , "Mad childish " i said flipping him off picking up my phone checking the time "I'm supposed to go over to this girl house inna few , finna get my shit sucked " i said biting down on my bottom lip

"Haven't had top in a long ass minute " i said going inside the thing after tyga finished and did my song., "Nigga don't you gotta whole girl " he said looking at me .

In case y'all wondering me and tyga cool now , he ain't with all that shit he was no more .

"I mean if my girl ain giving me no too i might as well get some from someone else "i said scratching my head grabbing my keys and looked back at tyga shaking his head and i smacked my teeth walking out .

I got in my car heading over to her house getting out i walked over to her door knocking on it and she answered it my eyes roamed down to her nice body as she only had a lingerie set on .

i licked my lips "Damn ma " i said going inside with her "You know what to do " i said sitting down .

"You know what i can't " i said getting up and she rushed over to me "What why " she said looking sad , "I have a girl and i'm finna be loyal to her like i told i was " i said mugging her. .

"When you say shit you gotta be truthful and if i do this right now what i just said wouldn't even matter  " i said waking out slamming the door looking at me phone realizing it was time for the dinner i texting malaysia letting her know i was on my way .

When i got there here and the girls were getting out the car and i walked over to her "What y'all was doin " i asked confused and she picked up aaliyah as i picked up mya "We went to the movies " she said and i nodded as we put the girls in my car and we all left for this little dinner we had planned

When we got there my ma was there, tyga and his new girl was there , tianna and her nigga, and a couple of other people . we walked in greeting everybody sitting down we was at red lobsters .

"Let me get the lobster " i said and malaysia gagged "Seafood nasty " she said poking her bottom lip out and i smacked my teeth "Everything nasty too you " i said handing her a menu and she cheesed looking at it "It won't my idea to come here , but let me get a alfredo with no seafood at all " she said "And a water " she added .

Everybody else ordered , and we all started eating .

"This shit bomb " tyga said munching down his food , acting like he ain eat in years

"I'll be right back i need some air " malaysia aid getting up going outside and aaliyah spoke "I gotta pee daddy" she said and mya looked at her "Me too dada " she said and i sighned heavily "Tianna can yo-" i was about to say and tianna spoke "Yea come on y'all " she said gettin up taking them to the bathroom

Tianna (P.O.V)

I walked the girls into the bathroom and then helped them out and all that , afterwards they washed there hands and i walked out letting them walk beside me

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I walked the girls into the bathroom and then helped them out and all that , afterwards they washed there hands and i walked out letting them walk beside me .

I went back over to the table where everybody else's was "We back " i said going to sit down and chris jumped up "Where are the girls ?" he asked looking behind me "They right - " i said looking back and didn't see them "Chris i swear they was behind me " i said and he got up hitting the table

"If i don't find them that's yo ass " he said yelling and looked at malaysia coming back over to the table "What's wrong ?" she asked concerned "There gone " chris said

"Who ?" malaysia asked looking at the table

"The twins " me and chris said in sync and malaysia broke down going around looking for them "Have y'all seen my babies ?" she yelled crying still searching trying to find any sign of her kids i honestly felt bad .




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