Chapter One

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I groaned as I looked up at the departure board. My plane to New York JFK was delayed by an hour. I had just made my way through airport security and by my timing I had planned that I would only have about a ten minute wait until boarding started but now it would seem that I had an hour and ten minutes. I pulled my baseball cap lower across my face hoping to hide my identity and made my way over to the Starbucks in the terminal to grab myself a coffee whilst I waited.

It was July and I was heading to New York today to leave my home behind in London for six months whilst I made my Broadway debut in Betrayal. It was a play which had become so close to my heart during our run in the West End and I now just couldn't wait to bring it to a brand new audience when we open on Broadway in August.

I used an American accent as I placed my order for my coffee and hoped that with that, the cap and my usual glasses I wore for when I wasn't wearing contacts it would all keep my identity quiet. The server didn't even look twice as I gave my name as Ben for the order.

Once I had got my coffee I made my way over to what appeared to be the quietest part of the terminal but so I could still see the boards for when boarding was announced and found a seat. In this area there were only three other people so I began to relax a little more. As much as I loved to meet my fans sometimes when I knew I had a long flight ahead of me , I would usually prefer to go unnoticed.

Keeping my head down I looked up over the top of my glasses looking around at my surroundings. There was a row of six chairs in front of me. Occupying two of the seats to my left was an elderly couple. As they both sat waiting for their flights they both sat talking about what sounded like their grandchildren and they both seemed very much in love with each other. It was one of those relationships you could sit and watch all day and only hope that one day when you were similar age you too would be very much still in love with your partner. A couple of seats down from them was a girl with long wavy red hair. She too had her head down as though trying not to draw attention to herself but as my eyes saw her for the first time I was fascinated. There was just something about her. Even though I couldn't completely see her face I could see that she had soft facial features and large brown eyes. Like pools of chocolate that you could just fall into. Her long hair hung in waves down her shoulders. As she kept her gaze to the floor I watched as she chewed on her bottom lip. Was this a sign of nervousness? Did she perhaps not like flying?

She was wearing a loose fitted grey T-shirt, a black hoody and dark blue jeans. She didn't appear to be wearing any jewellery and I noticed that her nails were well bitten down. I brought my attention back to her face and I couldn't help but notice the sadness in her expression. She looked as though she had the weight of the world on her shoulders and at any minute now she could start crying.

Every instinct inside of my wanted to go over to her to ask her if she was alright but then another part of me thought about what if she became startled and drew attention to us. What about if right now all she wanted was to be alone and then here was me interrupting her peace possibly drawing attention to us both and then within minutes we could be surrounded by fans and paparazzi. That is not what this girl looked like she needed right now.

I was having an internal battle with myself, should I speak to her or not when my decision was made for me. I heard the announcement that my flight to New York was now finally boarding and with a quiet sigh to myself I took one final look at this mystery girl before grabbing my rucksack and making my way to the gate.

As I walked I just hoped that she was with someone here in the airport, maybe they had just nipped to get them both some food or at least there would be someone here to greet her at her final destination. Someone who would be able to make her happy again.

I reached the gate to my flight and was greeted by a friendly air hostess. The recognition in her eyes was obvious as she realised who I was.

"Ah Mr Hiddleston, would you like to follow me and I will show you through to your seat."

I gave her a weak smile in return and followed her through to the first class area where she showed me to my seat.

"May I get you a glass of champagne?" She asked as I placed my bag into the overhead locker above my seat.

"No thank you" I replied politely before taking my seat. I took my glasses off and rubbed the bridge of my nose where they had been resting. I hooked them over to top of my shirt to keep them safe and did my seatbelt up ready for take off before placing my head back against the headrest closing my eyes. I was ready to sleep during this flight. But as I closed my eyes all I could see was that girl sat before me in the airport terminal. Had I done the wrong thing? Should I have just taken that risk of being seen and just spoken to her. Where was she heading now? Was she going to be okay?

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