Chapter Twenty Two

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It had been about a month since our official opening night on Broadway and life was busy. If I wasn't on stage we were doing interviews with the press and I had done some television appearances. Of course I had kept my eye on the rumours and of course the press were still working on the rumours that Zawe and I were dating. I was loving life on Broadway. The adrenaline of performing on stage in front of a different audience every day was thrilling. There was just one thing that was bothering me though. Flick. There had been a definite change in our relationship over the last week and she seemed to be more distant with me. I admit that I hadn't been able to spend as much time as I had liked with her recently and I had had to bail out of a couple of our days off together because of other work commitments. I hated having to say to Flick more than once that we would have to cancel our plans. Seeing the disappointment on her face always stabbed me in the heart. As much as I loved my career, right now it was showing me why I had struggled with love in the past. I could now understand how not really having much time off put strains on relationships.

Flick was my world. I had never felt so strongly for anyone in my life before and I would do anything for her. I could genuinely see myself wanting to spend the rest of my life with her. I felt that I had to plan something special for her to show her just how much she meant to me and how much I still loved her during this busy time. There was just one problem. I was about to get even busier. Comic Con was only just around the corner.

Flick was covering for Casey and was doing the breakfast shift at the diner so she had already left for the day when I had awoken. I sighed to myself. Today was Wednesday and a two show day. Tomorrow and Friday I would be at Comic Con all day and then at the show in the evening and then Saturday would be a two show day at the theatre again. Looks like I wouldn't properly get to see Flick now till Sunday. My heart gave a pang of sadness at the thought whilst I felt guilty. This was all my doing.

I reached across and grabbed my phone off the side table and sent Flick a quick text.

Morning darling, sorry I wasn't awake to see you leave this morning. Have a good day and I love you. Tom x

Once I had sent the message I climbed out of bed and decided to take a run before I would have to leave for the theatre. Bobby jumped about excitedly as he watched me pick up his leash, once I was dressed we both headed out of the house and towards Central Park. The pangs of guilt never leaving me.


By the time I was ready for home that evening I still hadn't heard from Flick at all that day. I had put it down to our busy schedules and her not wanting to bother me, but as my driver drove me back towards Jack's house following finishing at the theatre I couldn't help but worry. Pulling up outside Jack's house, I could see that Flick's bedroom light was the only light on in the property. Jack and Casey must have still been at the diner.

I let myself in through the front door and took Bobby's harness off him as he excitedly went sniffing around the house. Flick appeared at her bedroom door a weak smile on her face and I instantly knew that something was wrong.

"Is everything okay?" I asked rushing to Flick's side.

Flicked stepped back inside her room and made her way across to her bed, sitting down. I followed her sitting beside her.

"I don't know if I can do this any more" Flick began.

My world came crashing down around me. Although I knew exactly what Flick was talking about I still needed that clarification.

"Can't do what?" I stuttered.

"I can't do us anymore. I am just not strong enough. I thought I could especially with the feelings I have towards you but I just can't." Flick replied as the first of the tears began to fall down her face. I reached across to take her hand in comfort to tell her we could work through what ever this was but she pulled it away from me.

"Please don't Tom" she whispered as she shuffled across the bed further away from me.

My heart felt like it had been stabbed thousands and thousands of times as I took in Flick's words. Did she really mean everything she had just said. I thought I knew Flick, but I never imagined I would ever hear those words come from her mouth.

"What can I do?" I asked dropping to my knees hoping in some way I could change Flick's mind.

"Please Tom, just leave" Flick replied.

And that was it. The final piece of my heart that remained in tack just crumbled like a flames turning to ashes.

I stood my whole body numb as I tried to fit Bobby's harness again. I turned back to Flick but she had gone. Probably to the bathroom to wait for me to leave.

The streets of New York were still busy as I made my way across to my hotel desperately trying to stay on me feet my knees desperately wanted to buckle. It was only as I finally reached my hotel room and the door closed behind me that I sank to the floor the tears that had been stinging my eyes for my entire walk home now allowed to fall.

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