Chapter Twenty Four

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I sank down into the chair in the corner of my hotel room and rested my head in my hands as I fought the tears that were so desperate to fall. I missed her. The days since Flick had ended our relationship were not getting any easier, even now a week later. I felt Bobby come and lie beside me resting his head on my feet. His eyes looked sad as those large chocolate brown eyes of his looked up at me. He had definitely picked up on my mood these last few days and would never leave my side, constantly sat beside me being the companion I needed right now.

"Everything will be alright Bobby" I whispered to Bobby although it was something I really needed to be telling myself. But would everything ever be okay again?

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and lifted it out to see Ben's name on the screen, so without thinking anymore swiped to accept the call.

"Tom, I'm so glad I caught you, how are you doing?" Benedict Cumberbatch's voice came down the phone.

Ben and I had been good friends since the early days of both our acting careers, working together on War Horse. We always found the time to speak to each other but recently we had both been quiet. I know Ben had been away filming and with Betrayal and various public appearances I had also been busy and apart from a few texts we hadn't spoken to each other since San Diego Comic Con so it was good to hear his voice now.

"Hey Ben it's been a while, how was filming?" I ask trying to avoid Ben's question. Ben could always tell when I was lying and I hadn't even got round to telling Ben that Flick existed as anymore than a friend never mind that we had just broken up.

"Busy like usual. Long days on a film set, you know what it's like being an actor but just so glad to be back in London with Sophie and the kids" Ben replied.

I smiled to myself. Ben was a great father and his children really loved him. Since being in New York I missed the evenings sat round at his place, being invited round for dinner and just feeling as though I was part of his family.

"So how's New York?" Ben asked breaking me from my thoughts. "How is your debut going? I have read some of the reviews and they loved it."

"Yeah it's going well" I replied trying to sound enthusiastic but the image of  Flick that first time I ever saw her at the airport was burning into my mind. It was an image I had been able to push to the back of my mind since I had shared so many happy times with Flick but since Flick had broken up with me it was all that tended to occupy my mind. Haunting me in what little sleep I was getting each night.

"You don't sound as excited about New York now as you did at Comic Con, is everything alright? The novelty of Broadway starting to wear off?" Ben asked.

I took a deep sign and pinched the bridge of my nose to try and stop the tears which were threatening to fall.

"Is this about the friend you told me about?" Ben asked. His voice soft and reassuring. Ben knew me too well and he was also one of the people I could trust the most with anything. I could talk to Ben and right now I knew that I probably should. Bottling everything up wasn't helping my own mental health.

"Yes" I managed to choke up. I cleared my throat and began to explain.

"Her name is Flick and I love her but now I believe that she no longer loves me." I began. Ben remained silent to let me continue.

"I told you at Comic Con that she was a friend and that there was some hidden secret inside of her." I listened as Ben gave a brief acknowledgement.

"Well after Comic Con I got the chance to get to know Flick more and our relationship developed. She was able to open up to me and I helped her through some of her fears. I believe I helped to make her better. Even her brother believed I had helped. We loved each other and we were happy and then suddenly she just became distant. She closed herself off and she began to worry me but before I had chance to really talk about it with her she just ended our relationship. No explanation why she just asked me to leave. I thought we were happy and now here I am just left questioning myself over and over again about what I had done." I finished.

"Tom you sound like you are completely tearing yourself up about this and there is only one thing you can do" I heard Ben say.

"And what's that?" I asked as I wiped away the tears which had now fallen.

"You need to talk to her buddy. You need to hear her explanation. I think this is the only way you going to get the closure you need to be able to move on" Ben replied.

"And what if she won't talk to me?" I asked remembering how she had asked me to leave on that awful night.

"If she is the girl you tell me she was who loved you. She owes you at least an explanation and she will know that" Ben replied.

"Thank Ben" I replied standing from my seat to go and wash my face in the bathroom.

"Anytime Tom, just call me if you need to talk" Ben replied as our call ended.

I walked through to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had dark shadows under my eyes and my skin was pale. A look which was not good for an actor who was currently performing on stage at least once a day at the moment. I washed my face with cold water removing my remaining tears. I just had to ask Flick to meet with me now to talk. To get those answers I so desperately needed.

It was only just after one in the afternoon so I still had time before I would need to head to the theatre if Flick was available this afternoon. I hadn't been to Jack's this last week so I didn't know if Flick had been working or not but maybe I could just time it to meet her during one of her breaks.

As I walked back though into my hotel room to retrieve my phone from the side table where I had left it, it began to ring. Expecting it to be Ben calling me back I was surprised when the called ID identified the caller as Jack.

"Hello" I answered cautiously as I placed the phone back to my ear. I hadn't heard from Flick or any of her family since that day and it worried me now that Jack was calling me. I knew that Jack would do anything for his little sister and was so protective of her. Had she told him something and now he was mad at me?

"Tom?" Jack's voice came frantically down the phone.

"Yes Jack it's me, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Tom can you come round to the house now? It's important" Jack asked.

Confused as to what Jack wanted, I agreed and told him I would be there as soon as possible. What was this about?

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