Chapter Thirty Four

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It had been three long days. Three long days since Flick had left for London and she was flying home today. It was Sunday so I had a show this afternoon but as soon as that had finished I was heading straight home as Flick would be arriving around the same time. I had wanted to go and meet her at the airport but remembered about the paparazzi and thought better of it.

It had been strange at first staying at Jack's house without Flick there but I had thought it rude to return back to my hotel after the hospitality Casey and Jack had shown me over these months. I had barely seen Casey with her working double shifts at the diner to cover both Flick and Jack's absence but I had always made sure to have a cup of tea ready for her when she had returned home late each night and we would then both usually stay up for an hour talking before both going to bed. It had been nice to get to know her without Flick and Jack around.

Flick had phoned me as they had left the police station on her first day. She had been upset but as she had explained to me everything that had happened I had been so proud of her. For sticking up for herself the way she did and staying strong in front of that man. I know that would have taken a lot of courage for Flick. I just couldn't wait to see her face to face now and tell her just how proud of her I was.

As soon as we were done at stage door I headed to my dressing room grabbed my bag and Bobby and headed out the theatre waving to Charlie and Zawe on my way. They both knew exactly why I was leaving so quickly. They must have been sick of me by now after how many times I had told them I was missing Flick these last few days. I didn't choose to take a car today using the walk back to Jack's as a good opportunity to walk Bobby as I sure wouldn't want to do it later when I was with Flick.

It was getting colder now in New York and the winter was beginning to set in. There was even chance that I might get to see some New York snow before the show finished. Something I had heard was amazing nothing like the minimal snow we had in England.

I arrived at Jack's and Casey was already home taking a well deserved break from the diner. From our evening talks I know that she had also been missing Jack so was here to greet him when he got home.

"I've just had a message from Jack, they are just leaving JFK airport now" Casey said excitedly as I unclipped Bobby's harness in the hallway. I felt butterflies of excitement in my stomach at the news. It wouldn't be long now.

About half an hour later we heard a car pull up outside and moments later Flick followed by Jack came running through the door. I watched as Flick seeing me for the first time smile as her face lit up before running over to me and jumping into my arms.

"Tom!" She squealed as she nuzzled into my neck. "I have missed you so much!"

"I have missed you too darling. Welcome home" I replied. Bobby was now jumping excitedly around the four of us sensing our excitement. I quietly took Flick's hand and led her away through the hall to the kitchen. Flick look at me confused as I lifted her up onto the counter facing me. Her eyes level with my own.

"Flick" I began taking her hands in mine. " I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. I really had doubts about you flying to see Lewis but you have proved me wrong. You have been so strong through this all and you have shown him who is the better person in all this. Now this is all over and I just can't wait to share the rest of our lives together. I love you Flick"

"I love you too Tom. Thank you for supporting me and standing by me through this all" Flick replied wrapping her legs around my body pulling me closer to her as she pressed her lips to mine the fireworks now going off within my body.

"Do you think that really is it?" I asked as we pulled apart.

"What do you mean?" Flick asked.

"Will we be finally left alone to live our lives together?" I asked.

I watched as Flick laughed to herself. Her smile was just beautiful and blew me away. She had her spark back. "My boyfriend is Tom Hiddleston, I don't think we will ever be left alone."

I stared at Flick concerned. This is not what Flick would want at all.

"But I am fine with that now" Flick continued seeing my alarm. "If it means I get to be with you I'll take anything."

"Well maybe not anything" I laughed seeing that Flick was okay about this all. "Blackmail was a step too far."

"True" Flick replied as she nuzzled her head into my neck placing a row of kisses along my shoulder blade causing a shiver to run through my body.

A soft coughing sound came from the doorway and we both looked over to see Jack and Casey stood there. I watched as Flick flushed red.

"Casey and I fancied celebrating us all being back in the same country, what do you say?" Jack asked coming to stand by us both.

"Sounds good to me" I replied turning to see Flick's reaction.

"Well I know a mighty fine diner just a couple of blocks away" Jack laughed.

"It's a deal" Flick replied lifting her hand to high five her brother.

A few hours later Flick and I left the house and began the walk to the diner. Jack and Casey had already left an hour earlier as Jack was desperate to check up on the place. Charlie and Zawe who had also been invited were going to meet us there. There was a chill in the evening air and I felt Flick move herself closer to my side as we walked. I wrapped my arm around her back pulling her into my side as she rested her head against my arm.

"Better" I asked as I looked down at her relaxed self.

"Much" she replied a smile spreading across her face. It was moments like this that I wished would last forever.

Jack and Casey had reserved one of the larger booths in the corner of the restaurant when we arrived and Charlie and Zawe were already there waiting for us. As they saw us arrive they all stood from their seats to hug us both.

We were just taking our seats when Jack wondered over with a tray of beers for us all placing one down in front of us. He and Casey then edged themselves down into the seats either side of the booth.

"To friends and family" Jack said holding his glass up into the air. We all followed suit repeating his toast.

"So final weeks" I heard Casey ask Zawe once we had all settled and our orders had been placed.

"Yes not long now till the run is over" Zawe replied.

"So what's next for you?" Casey asked.

"Well I'll return to London as it is home after all and probably continue with my writing" Zawe replied.

I felt Flick stiffen beside me and I suddenly knew exactly what must have been going through her head. I caught Jack watching her too. Flick and I had never really talked about what would happen once my run on Broadway had ended in December. It was just something that had never come up. We have both just been living in the moment enjoying the here and now rather than worrying about the future but now the future was fast approaching. I couldn't look at Flick. I couldn't bring myself to see what her face looked like right now but I took her hand in mine and squeezed it reassuringly. We would sort something out.

I knew that I would have to return to London. My life and career were in London but I didn't know how Flick would feel about that. She had made a new life here and although we could try and make a long distance relationship work it was not ideal. It was going to be hard and would put a huge strain on us both.

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