Chapter Twenty Six

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Flick POV

Two weeks earlier...

"Right Flick I'd best be off especially as it's double show day" Tom said as he climbed off his stool in front of the counter.

It was a Wednesday and I was on the breakfast shift at the diner to allow Casey and Jack a much needed day off together. I think the first one since I had been in New York. Tom had kept me company all morning sat at the counter whilst I continually supplied him with coffee in between serving other customers. The diner had been quiet this morning it had meant I hadn't had too much to do.

"Love you darling. I'll see you tonight" Tom said ducking down to place his lips to mine before heading to the door. I just had enough time to return "love you too" before he was gone.

Life was good right now. Life with Tom was very good.

I scanned around the diner to check that all the current diners were happy and didn't need any attention before ducking down behind the counter to grab my phone from where I had left it. The notification screen alerted me to a message. My mind immediately thought that it would be Jack checking up on me. He really couldn't live without this place even on his day off.

It wasn't Jack. It was an unknown number. Curious as to what this was about I selected to open the message so I could read it.

"Think your life is perfect being all cosied up to Tom, well think again."

I stared at the message for a second in shock. Who was this person and how did they get my number. So few people knew about Tom and I and of the people who knew I wouldn't expect messages like this from them.

I quickly replied to the message.
"I'm sorry but who is this?"

I placed my phone back behind the counter and headed back out to table six who had just finished eating.

It was about an hour before I had chance to return back to my phone and by the time I did there were six messages waiting for me.

"Hey Flick, just checking everything is ok. Call me if you need me to come in. Jack x"

"Hey darling. Just found out I am on the Stephen Colbert show on Monday. So sorry darling but this will mean that I have to work. Again so sorry. Love you. Tom x"

"I am a fan of Tom Hiddleston. You don't need to tell me who you are, you are his stalker."

"You are so obsessed with him that you believe Tom is your boyfriend. Haha are you delusional? You are so ugly and Tom has much better taste than you."

"Go back to where you came from and leave my Tom alone."

I stared at the last three messages in complete shock. Someone claiming to be a fan of Tom's had somehow got my number and was now sending me messages. I thought to text Tom straight away to ask him what I should do, surely he had heard of things like this happening before. Would his management be able to help? But before I had chance to do anything another message came through.

"Don't even think about telling anyone about this. I know your family. If you want them to stay unharmed you will keep that mouth on that ugly face of yours shut."

I fought to hold the tears back as I read the message. I loved my family so much. They had always been the people who had stood by me when everyone else had ditched me. They were the people I trusted most in life. I couldn't allow them to be hurt because of me.

"Break all ties with Tom if you know what's best for you."

The last message stung my heart the most. Of course I had now been expecting it but actually reading the words caused the tears to spill over my eyes. I shouted through to the kitchen that I was just taking a quick break so that Liam the kitchen porter would come out and keep on eye on my tables whilst I was gone. I rushed through to the staff toilets at the back of the diner and locked myself in as the tears really began to flow. I didn't know what to do but I knew that any way I broke up with Tom would completely crush his heart. It would crush mine also but that didn't matter anymore.

A week later...

I watched as Tom and Bobby walked to the door from my hiding place in the bathroom with the door cracked open. His head was dropped as he pulled his cap low over his face and left for the last time without even looking back. Why would he look back? The girl who he believed loved him had just broken his heart. Why would he want to look at me? As the door closed I reached for my phone in my pocket and quickly clicked reply to my unknown contact.

"It is done. Now please leave my family alone."

As I clicked send I sank to the floor as I cried. The tears that would forever be there along with my broken heart. How was I ever going to get over this?

A week later...

"Flick you are really going to have to start talking soon." I heard Jack shout through from the kitchen. I was slumped down on the sofa wrapped in a blanket after Jack had practically carried me out of my bedroom after telling me that I couldn't live the rest of my life hauled up in there. My bedroom was my safe place. The place where nobody could judge me and where I could just be left alone to cry. I liked that place. But now Jack had me sat downstairs and I knew he wasn't going to let this be until I started to talk to him.

"Flick we are all really worried about you. Mum and Dad want you to fly home if you don't start talking soon. We all really don't want to see a repeat of what happened before." Jack said as he walked through carrying a tray with tea and toast and placing it down on the table in front of me.

"Now please eat will you?" Jack asked indicating to the toast. I reluctantly picked up a piece and took a bite. My mouth was so dry that I struggled to chew and it felt like a huge lump as I swollowed my mouthful.

"Better?" I asked turning to Jack.

"Flick we are all so worried about you. You have completely shut us all away again like last time. Please can you just tell me what happened with Tom. I thought you were both madly in love with each other?" Jack asked.

Hearing the word love stung me. I still loved Tom I always would but I had to stand by my decision now.

"Come on Flick" Jack was now begging. "You know you can talk to me."

I felt the tears begin to prick my eyes as I looked at my brother. He was deeply concerned as he crouched down in front of me. With a sigh I reached across and picked up my phone from the side table where I had abandoned it a week ago. As soon as I had sent that final message to my blackmailer I had turned off my phone and put it to one side planning never to turn it on again.

With shaking hands I switched the phone on. Out the corner of my eye I could see Jack watching me with curiosity.

I didn't know what to expect when I turned my phone on, a load of texts from my blackmailer continuing to torture me or a load of texts from Tom begging me to take him back but there was nothing. Nothing at all. I loaded up my messages and handed my phone to Jack as he began to read.

I was no nervous as I sat and watched Jack read through the text conversation. He brows becoming more furrowed the further down he got.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he looked up from my phone screen.

"You read the messages, I couldn't they would have hurt you" I replied quietly.

"Flick this is serious" Jack said pointing to the phone screen. "This is blackmail and something that shouldn't be tolerated. You should have told me and we could have sorted this out. We could have dealt with this together."

I felt the tears begin to fall down my face as Jack leant forward taking my hand in his.

"You still love him don't you?" Jack asked.

I looked up and met Jack's eyes and nodded.

"Then you know we must show him these" Jack replied.

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