Chapter Thirty Three

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Flick POV

The following day Jack and I made our way through New York JFK airport to our gate. We had been lucky to book a flight for the very next day. Tom was busy with promotion for Betrayal with Zawe and Charlie today at the Build studios so we had said our goodbyes to each other this morning before he had left.

As we waited in the terminal for our gate to begin boarding Jack kept nervously glancing at his phone.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah it's fine. I've just never left the diner like this before" Jack replied.

I laughed to myself. Of course Jack would have been missing the diner. That place was his life.

"I'm sure Casey will have everything under control" I replied reassuringly.

Our flight began boarding so once we had found our seats I quickly sent Tom a message before switching my phone off.

On our plane now. I'll let you know once we have landed. Love you. Flick x

"So this is something we haven't done in a very long time" Jack said as the air stewards walked down the aisle checking our seatbelts. "A trip that is just the two of us."

Jack was right. We hadn't been alone like this since before Jack had moved to America and that was something I had missed. When we were younger we would of course argue like all brothers and sisters did but at the end of the day he would always be my best friend and would always have my back.

"I know" I replied. "It's been too long. It's going to be fun."

I watched as Jack gave me an expression as though to ask do I remember why we are actually doing this trip and my thoughts went back to Lewis and all that he had done. My stomach did a somersault with nerves.

"It's all going to be all right though Flick" Jack said putting his arm around my shoulders after seeing my expression change. "We are going to get this sorted."


We landed at London Heathrow eight hours later. The journey had been pretty smooth and I had been able to sleep for some of the journey. Our parents were waiting for us in the arrival hall as we both stepped out of the airport and it was so good to see them again.

"Felicity!" my mother cried as she pulled me into her arms.

"Hi Mum" I replied as I hugged her back.

I then stepped around Jack who was now hugging my Mum to my dad who wrapped his arms around me.

"I've missed you Flick" he whispered as we enjoyed the moment of being reunited.

"Right then you two once you have done all that you need to do we are having a family meal this evening just the four of us" Mum said as she walked us all out of the airport toward the car park.

"That sounds good to us" Jack replied.

"Thanks Mum" I cut in gratefully.

Mum wanted to take us home first to get some rest but I just wanted to get this all over and done with so they reluctantly agreed to take us straight to the police station. As we arrived I tried to tell Mum and Dad that I would be okay but they insisted on joining us too so the four of us all entered the police station together and found seats in the waiting area.

A male police officer came and found us a short while later.

"My name is Sergeant Gregory. I understand you are Felicity is that correct?" The officer asked.

"It is" I replied standing to shake his hand.

"Would you like to follow me and I will take you through to see the accused now" the officer replied.

Leaving my family behind in the waiting area I followed the officer through a door to the right of the reception desk which led me down a long corridor with multiple offices off to either side of the corridor. At the end of the corridor we reached a locked door labelled interview room. The officer unlocked the door and led me inside.

Inside it was as though I had walked into a detective drama's TV set. It was exactly like you would see on the screen. The room was dark with a large table in the middle surrounded by four chairs.

"Would you like to take a seat? Lewis will be out in a moment. For your safety I will be staying in the room with you" the officer said indicating to another chair which was in the corner as he took his seat.

I sat down on one side of the table. The butterflies in my stomach from my nerves were beginning to make me feel sick but I knew I had to keep strong. I needed to show Lewis that he didn't scare me. I needed to show him that he didn't have any control over my life anymore.

A door opened on the other side of the room and another officer led Lewis in. He was in handcuffs and sat down at the table on the opposite side. He looked tired. Prison life was not treating him well. Once Lewis was seated the second officer left the room.

"What are you doing here Flick?" Lewis asked cutting straight to the point. There were certainly going to be no friendliness in this meeting. I looked Lewis straight in the eyes.

"I want to know why? Why blackmail me? You got the perfect life you wanted. The girl you wanted, a child. Why did you have to try and destroy mine for a second time?" I asked.

Lewis remained silent as he stared coldly back at me.

"God damn it Lewis," I shouted the anger boiling inside of me. "You owe me this explanation at least after all that you have put me through."

"You thanked me" Lewis scoffed as I continued to stare at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked sharply.

"When you came to the flat. You thanked me. I was so confused that I looked out the window to try and make sense of it all and then I saw you. I saw you leaving with him. Loki. Tom Hiddleston whatever you call him. Here I was stuck with a baby and there you were living the high life with a celebrity. You don't deserve him." Lewis replied his voice full of venom.

"How dare you decide what I do and do not deserve after all you have put me through" I shouted the anger now exploding from me. "I can't believe you are jealous after you destroyed my life. It has been hard to rebuild my life again, to make new friends, settle into my new home and that was all your fault. You turned my friends against me, lost me my home, my job and nearly my life. You are a monster and you deserve to rot in jail. I hate you."

Before I did anything that would land me in a jail cell too I stood from my seat thanked the police officer for their time and walked out the door. I walked down the corridor the adrenaline pumping through my body as I made my way back to the waiting area. It was only as I saw Jack stood their waiting for me that I felt the courage I had crumble to pieces as I ran forward into his arms and sobbed.

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