Chapter Thirty Eight

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I woke up on thanksgiving morning with my arm wrapped around Flick's waist as she continued to sleep peacefully. She had been so tired when she had arrived back from London last night after their hunt for a property for the diner that I wanted to be able to leave her to sleep in this morning. With Jack they had both been able to find an ideal place quite Central in London at a great rate and had straight away signed for the place. They really had been so lucky to find such a great find.

I slipped out of bed and pulled on my running gear and quietly left our bedroom with Flick. I hoped to be able to go for a run and be back in time to put the turkey in the oven all before Flick awoke. The rest of the place was all quiet and I was glad that Casey and Jack had chosen to have a well earned lie in together. With all the breakfasts they served to New York a lie in didn't happen very often.

The city was quiet as I made my way to Central Park to begin our run. Bobby running along excitedly beside me. He always loved this time of the day. Central Park was beautiful at this time of year and I really hoped I would get to see the first snow fall of the season before we would have to leave for London. I had seen many Christmas films where Central Park was covered in a blanket of snow and I just hoped to be able to experience it for real.

I completed my usual run around the park in peace the pathways almost deserted before heading back home. I was glad to hear that the house was silent as I made my way through to the kitchen.

Even though there would only be the four of us for Thanksgiving dinner,  Jack had insisted on buying a massive turkey so we would be eating leftovers for days. I prepared the turkey and placed it in the oven crossing my fingers that it would all cook fine. With the turkey in the oven and the rest of the food not needing to be cooked for a few hours yet I headed through to the bathroom to grab a shower after my run.

After my shower I wondered back through to our bedroom with a towel wrapped around me. Flick was just sitting up and rubbing her eyes as I entered.

"The turkey" she said panicked "we need to get that in the oven."

"Don't worry love" I replied sitting myself down next to her. "It's already in the oven."

"Thank you Tom" she replied placing her hand on my arm. The touch of skin to skin causing a shiver to run through my body.

"Happy Thanksgiving" I cheered.

A little later we both got up and dressed and headed through to the kitchen to begin to prepare the vegetables. Jack and Casey both emerged from their room shortly later both looking refreshed for the extra sleep.

"Happy Thanksgiving" Casey said enthusiastically rushing forward to us both pulling us into a hug.

"Happy Thanksgiving" I replied as we hugged.

"The turkey is smelling great guys" Jack said sniffing into the air.

"That is all Tom's doing" Flick replied wrapping her arm around my waist resting her head on my shoulder.

Flick and I continued with our cooking together whilst Jack opened a bottle of champagne and poured us all a glass. It was so nice to have us all together something that rarely happened with our work commitments. Once all the food was ready we laid it all out onto the table and gave Jack the honour of carving the turkey.

As we began to eat Casey suggested that we should all go around the room and say what we were all thankful for. Casey began.

"I am thankful for having my friends and family together with me here around this table on this special day. Something that rarely happens but is what I am grateful for."

Next it went around the table to Flick.

"I am thankful for everything that has happened to me these last six months. I was in a pretty rough spot six months ago but due to everyone who is sat around this table right now my life was turned around and I am truly grateful to you forever and always."

I reached across to Flick and squeezed her hand before it would be my turn.

"I am grateful for all the audiences who have come night after night to see Betrayal and who have made it the success it has been. I am also thankful for my amazing co-stars, I couldn't have asked for better but lastly I am thankful to you guys for welcoming me into your home and your lives and for accepting me as who I am and not the celebrity people see me as. Thank you."

I watched as everyone smiled at me before it was finally Jack's turn.

"I have a lot to be thankful for this year but if I started with everything we would be here all day so instead I will just mention the main thing I am thankful for this year." Jack began.

"Six months ago I collected my sister from JFK airport after an intervention had been made following her attempt to kill herself."

I felt Flick shuffle nervously beside me so I squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"Seeing her face for the first time that day was scary. She wasn't the sister I had grown up with for all those years. She was pale and drawn out. She looked unwell and it crushed my heart to see her that way but then something changed. She began to open herself up again and slowly began to trust again. She was no longer pale and began to smile again and now she is the happiest I have ever seen her. She is back to the sister I have always know and more and for that I will be forever thankful to you Tom."

I watched as Jack looked directly at me his glass raised and at once everyone else turned to face me. I felt myself blush at the sudden gesture.

"Thank you Tom for being patient with my sister. For spending that time getting to know her and for never giving up on her." Jack continued as he toasted me.

"Thank you Jack" I replied as I stood from my seat and walked around to Jack and embracing him like a brother. I had never felt more a part of this family before as I did now.

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