Chapter Thirteen

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Flick POV

I hadn't seen Tom now for a couple of days and it was starting to get me down. I missed him so much but I understood that we couldn't be together all the time, we did have our own lives to live as well. I had pulled Tom away from New York for a very quick trip to London and now I was pretty sure his bosses at the theatre were making me pay for that by keeping him away from me.

Firstly the following day after we had landed he had had a press day at the theatre so with the number of interviews and photo shoots he had been involved with he hadn't really been able to get to his phone. Then that evening he had gone to the opening night of another play on Broadway. I understood that this was his job and he had to be out promoting Betrayal especially as the first night was so close now but I couldn't help but miss him.

"You okay?" Jack asked nudging me as I cleaned the same spot on the diner counter for probably the tenth time in the last hour. It was three in the afternoon and the quiet time between our lunch and dinner rushes.

"Yeah" I replied with a sigh.

"Now come on sis, I know you now spill" Jack pushed.

I turned to look at him and sighed again. "I'm just missing Tom."

"You really are good friends aren't you?" Jack chuckled. "You are virtually joined at the hip."

"Jack promise me you won't go mad" I asked trying to gauge how he was going to react.

"Go on" Jack encouraged.

"Well we are a little more than friends now" I began. "We have kissed and I know we both have feelings for each other."

"I knew it" Jack nearly shouted. "I could tell he liked you by the way he looked at you but I didn't realise you felt the same."

"So your not mad?" I asked.

"Of course I am not mad. You are thirty two years old, you can do whatever you want but tell me this. Are you happy?" Jack asked.

"I am very happy Jack. I am the happiest I have been in a long time and I owe a lot of that to Tom" I replied.

"And are you sure you are ready for a relationship?" Jack asked.

"Well Tom knows everything and he knows and accepts that I want to take things slowly so we are just seeing how things go" I replied.

"Well you know sis he will always have my blessing and I will always respect him for dropping everything to go to London with you. Just know I am always here should you need to talk." Jack said.

"Thanks Jack. I love you" I replied as I pulled my brother into a hug.

"Love you too little sis" Jack replied as he playfully ruffled my hair with his hand.


It wasn't till the end of my shift till I first heard from Tom for the day.

Hey, I'm so sorry I have been quiet all day. Been on the phone for most of it doing press but all done for the day. How are you? I was wondering if you fancied dinner? Tom x

I had already eaten at the diner during my break but I sure didn't want to miss out on seeing Tom.

Sure what are you thinking? Flick x

Quickly realising I would have to nip home to change from my uniform I quickly grabbed my bag before telling Jack I would probably be home late and left the diner.

Meet me at my hotel in 5 minutes. Don't worry you don't need to change. Tom x

Now I was confused as to what Tom had planned but knowing which hotel Tom was staying in I headed in the right direction. As I arrived Tom was sat in the foyer waiting for me. Sat in one of the comfy armchairs looking at his phone. As soon as he saw me he placed his phone away and came to greet me.

The Debut // Tom Hiddleston Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now