Chapter Ten

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Things had changed between us last night. Most people would think in a good way but it worried me. Of course I was delighted that Flick felt that she could now relax more around me but what if now that she had a clearer head with out all the wine she would start to regret it. It wasn't as though we had really gone too far but I had held her hand for most of the evening and she had rested her head on my shoulder but that could be a lot for her and I really didn't want to scare her away. The last thing I really wanted was to scare her away when the thing I wanted most of all was to retain our friendship. Don't get me wrong I would love more to happen. She was gorgeous and the more time I spent with her the more I fell for her charm and her personality but her friendship was important to me and I wouldn't want to lose that pushing anything else too far.

"Tom are you listening?" Jamie asked breaking me from my thoughts. The five of us, me, Charlie, Jamie, Zawe and Eddie Arnold were all just sat off to the side of the stage at the theatre having a meeting.

"Sorry Jamie" I replied pulling myself back to the here and now.

"So as I was saying, ticket sales are doing really well and tomorrow the theatre will be getting a makeover outside ready for our run." Jamie continued.

I couldn't deny it anymore but I loved Flick and I would never want to see her how she was the very first time I saw her. Her pale skin and dark under eyes still haunt me occasionally in my sleep. That was a different Flick back then, not my Flick now. Even her brother had said that she is a completely different person to the person she was the day she arrived here in New York only a few weeks ago.

"I think that is pretty much everything now, unless you have any questions" Jamie said bringing me back to earth again.

"No I think we're good" Zawe said. I looked from her to Charlie and they were both looking at me with concern.

"Is everything okay Tom?" Charlie asked as we reached my dressing room. I turned to find both Charlie and Zawe there. They had both followed me from the meeting.

"Yeah everything's fine" I replied as I opened my door and they both followed me in.

"You were pretty out of it in that meeting though" Zawe said as she took a seat on the sofa. "I don't think you listened to a word Jamie said. Come on Tom we're friends and here for each other while we are in New York. You know we won't repeat anything you say further."

I sighed deeply as I took my glasses off and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"It's Flick" I began.

"Is she okay?" Zawe immediately cut in.

"She's fine" I sighed again. "I am just scared that I am going to push her away."

"I don't think that will happen she adores you" Charlie laughed as he took a seat beside Zawe.

"I can't tell you what as that is betraying her trust but she has had a pretty rocky last couple of years and I am not one hundred percent sure if she is feeling exactly the same way as I feel about her right now and I fear that if I tell her how I feel I will just scare her away" I replied dropping my head into my hands.

"Well how do you feel about her?" Zawe asked.

"I am falling for her and pretty fast. She has just captivated me and i just don't know if she will ever be able to feel the same way about me" I replied.

"Obviously we don't know what her past is but from what we can see from the outside she is pretty smitten with you." Charlie said. I looked up at him in confusion. "The way she looks at you is not how say myself or Zawe look at you. There is something there and I think you need to talk to her. Tell her exactly how you feel as I think you maybe pleasantly surprised."

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