Chapter 9

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This will continue from the last chapter.

Trent P.O.V

She is not my sister and why do they even want to be near her I'm so much better and she's just some ugly ass piece of trash.

I walk to my class and for the first time, I don't pay attention because I'm still trying to understand why Naomi. 

For the whole school day, that's what was on my mind why her? She's nothing no one knows her or even likes her.

During lunch she was in my spot sitting at my fucking table how dare they invite her to my table our table. When it was time to go home Lilly and Amber noticed something was wrong. "Trent my bro what's got you down?" Amber asked and I told them what happened today and they both hugged me. 

See I may insult these two but I do love them and all three of us are close and they knew why I was sad because they are the only ones I've told that I'm gay and they know how much I like the 3 guys, especially Carter.

"Trent when we get home I'll make your favorite meal and we can watch The Big Bang Theory." Lilly said and I smiled they were the best even if they sometimes didn't get the jokes they still watched it with me. 

Once we got home a car pulled up next to Ambers it was Christopher's car. I watched as Naomi got out of the car and waved goodbye to him. I hate her so much why couldn't she stay away from them I wish I didn't leave if I had stayed none of this would be happening.

Toby P.O.V

Naomi Naomi Naomi, she's the only person I've ever thought of this much anything and everything reminds me of her. I like her so much but so do Christopher and Carter which sucks because they are my best friends.

When I got home I saw my mom and some guy on the table near them I saw a bunch of drugs I just rolled my eyes and went to my room.

My dad died five years ago and since then my mom hasn't been herself and she hasn't been getting better. In the morning she's all happy and loving and even goes to work like nothing is wrong. Then in the afternoon when she's back home from work, she invites random strangers into the apartment and just gets high all afternoon and night then the day the strangers are gone and we repeat the cycle. 

I do wish things could be different but sadly the only way that could possibly ever happen if is Dad never died. For the rest of the night, I stayed in my room doing homework, and watching TV or videos on my phone.

I was glad I kept food in my room so I didn't have to go into the living room. No one knows my problem and I don't think I'll ever tell anyone because I don't want anyone to know about this. 

I had a hard time sleeping but I was able to fall asleep. When I went down the hall I looked into the living room it was cleaned I went through it to the kitchen and there was my mom making breakfast.

"Hi, sweetheart did you sleep well?" She asked and I just nodded my mom doesn't like it when I bring up events from last night so I don't say anything about it.

"I'll be back Mom I gotta get ready," I said and went to the bathroom and did everything I needed to. I went back to my room and got dressed then went to the kitchen and ate breakfast then went outside and waited for Christopher. 

When he came Naomi was in the backseat I got in and sat beside her and she hugged me. I couldn't help but smell her I felt weird about it but she smelled so good.

I felt Christopher looking at me I looked at him and put my middle finger up then let go of Naomi.

I want to tell her how much I like her but what if she doesn't like me back? 

Naomi P.O.V

The guys have been so sweet and nice to me, especially after what happened with Trent. I know Trent doesn't like me but I feel bad for pretty much stealing his friends away from him.

This morning he and our sisters kept glaring at me and I hated it so much. When Amber told our parents that she saw me get out of Christopher's car they yelled at me and Lily would come into my room just to call me a slut me.

I wanna talk to someone about this but I don't know who to talk to about it. Other than the guys I don't have any friends and they are still Trent's friends kinda so I don't want to come between their friendship more than I already have.

If I talk to a counselor about this they will most likely tell my parents and they won't care they will probably put on an act but when I get home they will go back to their normal selves. 

I'm happy I met the guys and they want to be y friends and spent time with me but I wish I had just one female friend who I could talk to and hang out with and not be called a slut for being around a friend. Don't get me wrong I love the guys all three of them are amazing but it sucks being the only girl when I'm with them. 

(By the way, she has been with Christopher and Toby the whole time in the car and they are now at school)

"Naomi get the hell out of the car." I hear someone say I look up and see Carter and the door on my side wide open. I get out and Christopher is looking at me and I smile at him we walk to the building like always and go to my locker like always but there is someone at my locker. 

This is the 3rd time this happened but the person looked familiar when I went up to my locker it was that girl Stacy but why was she there? She looked at me and smiled then looked up at the guys and her smile dropped.

 "Do you remember me?" She asked and looked at me she was kinda taller than me but she was shorter than the 3 boys standing behind me.

"Yeah, your Stacy." I said and she nodded. "That's right and I wanted to know do you have any female friends?" She asked and I shook my head and she smiled again.

"Well you do now it must suck being around ugly, fugly, and tubby all the time." She said and before I could even breathe Toby pulled me behind him.

 "Stacy shouldn't you be bending over with some random guy behind you right now." Carter said and Stacy rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure if you go into the guy's restroom you'll find someone who wants to take another shot at you." Toby said and again Stacy rolled her eyes and looked at Carter.

"Carter shouldn't you be making some poor girl regret meeting you." Then she looked at Toby. "Toby, are you still mad because I broke up with your ass how about you go to the girl's restroom and go look for one of my friends, I'm sure one of them misses you?" She said and no one said anything after that and she grabbed my arm and pulled me back to where I was before. 

"So what do you say Naomi wanna be my friend?" She asked and this might be the only time I will ever have the chance to make a female friend so I nodded and she hugged me.

"Great I'll see you at lunch beautiful and she walked away. I turned around and looked straight at Toby. "Did you cheat on her?" I asked and he nodded looking away from me.  I was very shocked Toby doesn't seem like the type to do such a thing. 

That all folks I'm sorry that this took so long but I hope you liked this chapter.

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