Chapter 3

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I want to thank my friends ash and @GermanBuckets who helped me thanks guys you're awesome 😎  I won't have any music because I didn't want to wait till school was over to put the music so I could publish it so it will have to wait.


I sometimes still see three certain guys staring at me which to me makes no sense. I'm just some below average girl who's invisible to everyone yet these three hot guys are noticing me.

I don't know what to do about it I've never been noticed by people so I don't know if I should talk to them about it or just leave it alone. I was thinking about this the whole class period till the bell rung and scared me I literally almost feel out of chair.

"Be careful Naomi wouldn't want anything bad happening." Christopher said and winked at me before leaving. I completely forgot he was even this class now and like I was thinking of him so how could I forget he's here when I'm thinking about him. 

When I got to my second period class I realized I don't have the guts to actually talk to them. Two weeks ago when I helped them it was hard talking to them about biology and chemistry but, having to stand up to them and tell them to stop staring at me kinda scares me especially for Carter he's a scary guy.

Half way through second period I decided not to say anything to any of them and just ignore them after all what's the worst thing that could happen.

Christopher P.O.V

I don't know why I keep looking at Naomi but I can't stop there's something about her that makes me want to watch her all day.

I remember trying to find out more about her from the people in our class but no one knew who she was. People were confused about who was talking about even when I said she Trent's sister people would say how he only has two sisters.

I've never met someone who was so invisible to others before. During first period I noticed Naomi wasn't really paying attention which was weird. I wanted to say something about it but before I could the bell rung and Naomi was so deep in thought when the bell rung she almost fell out of her seat.

"Be carful Naomi wouldn't want anything bad happening." I said and have her a wink  before leaving.

I met up with  Carter And Toby on my first day here I met them and then we all met Trent who said he could help us with any work and since then the four of us have just been hanging out. 

"So are we going to Trents house again or nah?" Carter asked and I just shrugged and Toby said yes so we talked about it till Trent came and asked if we wanted to come over again and we all said yes.

As we were about to walk to our class Naomi walked by and I couldn't help but look at her after she walked away I turned around and saw that Toby and Carter were also looking at her and Trent was looking at us.

"What are you guys staring at?" Trent asked and we said nothing and walked away leaving him confused.

Toby P.O.V

I don't even know why I keep looking at Naomi each time I see her I feel like I need to look at her. I feel weird about it but I can't help it I've even tried not looking at her but when I did I felt sad and empty for some reason.

I'm feeling so many different emotions because of a girl I don't know and never even noticed before a few weeks ago. I even asked about her and just like me no one else knew her or even noticed her.

For the rest of my classes I was thinking about Naomi and the next time I'll see her after school. Even though nothing is happening between me and her I feel guilty for looking at her the way I do especially when I'm around Trent.

When it was time for lunch Trent, Christopher and I went to lunch and Carter disappeared to where he's been going lately. We decided to get a start on some of our homework because Trent thought it would give us more time to hangout at his house later.

"Hey Trent I was thinking what if we have Naomi help me and Carter again while you help Christopher." I said and I was hoping he would say yes so I could see her again.

"Toby why do you need that idiot to help you when you have me." He said and I sighed I really want to be near her again. We continued working and talking till lunch was almost over and Carter came in and sat with us.

"So Trent I was wondering if Naomi could join us today?" He asked and Trent glared at him. "I already told Toby no." He said and packed up and left I really didn't see the problem.

Carter P.O.V

Me and some guys went outside to smoke and as we were walking around and smoking I see Naomi with a book and eating her lunch.

I wanted to go up to her but one of the guys stopped me. "Carter one of my friends texted me saying they saw the principal heading outside so we're going inside." The leader I guess would call him told me and they ran off. 

For the rest of the time I was smoking and watching Naomi and it's weird that I've never seen her before but according to Trent she's been going to school here since the beginning but I've never seen her.

It's strange that I've never seen her before and now that I have I can't stop looking at her and I don't want to. Every time I see her I feel something which because I've never had this feeling I don't know what to do with it.

Honestly I usually don't really have much emotions it's usually just the negative ones I feel, I rarely feel happy but when I look at Naomi I don't feel any negative emotions.

 I think I feel a happy one but I don't know what it is I know it's not your standard happy it's more than that but I don't have a clue what it is. When lunch was almost over I went inside not wanting to because I could no longer see Naomi but I knew the guys would be all over if I didn't show up so I went to lunch.

I came in and sat with them I decided to ask Trent if Naomi could join us today like she did that one day. "So Trent I was wondering if Naomi could join us today?" I asked and Trent glared at me.

"I already told Toby no." He said and packed up and left and I was a little mad why couldn't she join and also why the fuck was Toby asking about her.

After school ended I went to my car and drove to Trent's house I knocked on the door and expected Trent to answer like he always does but this time it was Naomi. "Um hello if you are here for Trent he, our sisters and parents went somewhere." She said and she looked sad.

"Well I'm coming in anyways." I said and walked in and she was about to go upstairs but I stopped her. "Naomi hang out with me." I said and when I said her name she looked so surprised maybe because I knew and remembered her name.

"Yeah I remember it now hang out with me." I said and we sat down and looked for something to watch. "Why do you want to hang out with me Carter?" She asked and I looked down at her and I didn't want to stop staring but I felt like it would be creepy so I looked away.

"Because Naomi I want to." I said and we finally found something to watch it was nice till someone knocked on the door.

That's all folks till the next time I hope you enjoyed

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