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the smaller teen run for his life, quickly finding a space to hide between the lockers, breathing heavily yet hold himself and stay calm and silent.

not so long he heard some few laughing sounds and footsteps coming towards the area making him to grow nervous again as he felt a tear coming from his eyes.

"renjun-ah, come out come out wherever you are~" on of the three guys who's following him teasingly utters as they searches for him.

"make sure to hide very much after you get us embarassed in front of the teachers yesterday, right?" the other guy said as they chuckles.

renjun remained silent yet was about to break out from nervousness. he can't bear to get beatings anymore, especially from these bullies, quickly grabbing his lagging phone as he try to call for help.

after the three finds the possible spot where he is hiding, they slowly walk towards while saying threatd at him.

the boss of the group, walks ahead of the two, gives a heavy kick to the locker making it to slightly drive apart showing the innocent teen hiding beneath with hands clutched on his ears.

"find you cupcake" the bossy guy teasingly said as they chuckes, continue walking towards him as he grab renjun's collars, forcing him to rise up as he pin him on the wall.

"p-please jeno, it wasn't my fault about yesterday i swear i didn't--" renjun explained.

"it doesn't matter, what matter is that you appear pity and lonely which pisses me off and appears like shit victim making our classmates to think we hurt you all the time!" jeno shouted at him as he choke renjun to the wall then throw a punch on the innocent boy's stomach.

his other two friends watches him as he's a little kitten recieving beatings. renjun wasn't wrong, they're bullying him ever since he transfer to this school.

as soon as jeno could release another punch, they heard a whistle blow over the corner making them to turn around, seeing the discipline committee walking towards them.

jeno quickly remove his grip, making renjun to sigh in relief as he try to regain his breath.

the three then were about to run away, yet renjun manage to block his leg on jeno's way making the other to stumble as the other two disappears.

"fuck" jeno mutters with pain as he watches the discipline committe circle sround him and grab him by his shoulders.

"are you okay?" the most gently pleasant voice greets renjun as he assisted him to rise up then pats the dirt away from his shirt, slightly making renjun to form a blush as he nod his head.

right when renjun was in good condition, they return their attention to jeno, trying to get himself off from the discipline committees as the head walk towards him.

"lee jeno, class 4-A, quiet in class, ill-mannered yet not failing, for short my classmate slash seatmate" he checked then sighed afterwards as he lean forward then take a hold on jeno's chin which the other quickly shove his head to avoid the grip.

"just how many times are you going to be like these? aren't you tired? few more points then you're off to expulsion" he added.

"why do i even care? my parents are this school's stakeholders so fuck off!" jeno rallied as he aggresively try to free himself.

"tsk, tsk. no sweety, remember this is still a public school which means we are under the government and the education department which is abiding the laws not just for teachers but most importantly for the welfare of the students" he boastfully explained making jeno to get pissed even more.

"donghyuckie, chenle-ah, can you assist renjun to the guidance council, lemme take care of this dude" the head tells the two as they looses their tight grip then do as what he says.

walking towards then quickly grab jeno's shoulders and pull him closer, locking him under his arms making jeno to get pissed even nore as he slightly groan from such uncomfort.

"this is your ninety nineth warning and i won't letting this to grow farther even more, i will take you to the principal" he added as they started to walk as well, with the hopeless jeno, brows furrowing as he whimper his feet like a child as they walk.

"lee jeno just when are you going to change?" jaemin, the social-butterfly, head of the student council and discipline committee of the school, the most person just by seeing him annoys jeno very much.

"fuck you na jaemin, i will get you by your knees, begging in front of me"


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