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soon as the principal, headmister moon hears the knock and saw jaemin's head peeked from his office door smiling as usual, he's expecting it wasn't a good report already.

"good morning sir" jaemin greeted as he enters the office with jeno who's furrowing his brows, arrogantly crossing his arms and ignoring stares to the principal.

"let me guess, lee jeno? how many times did it happened already?" headmister moon hopelessly sighed, couldn't think of another counseling sessions nor any other solutions to do.

"i keep a promise to your parents for you to change i feel awful, your parents are such a big help in the school's development, just-- how could you be so ill-mannered when your parents are so dedicated to kindness!" the headmister scolded him.

jeno remained arrogant as ever yet felt such pain snd nervoud upon being scolded, with jaemin behind him.

"they didn't care anyway" jeno mumbles to his breath.

"did you say something mister?" headmister moon cleared.

jeno shrug his shoulders. "i didn't even know why my parents enrolled me to such school that is so much-- urgh with fancy and low quality looking people!" jeno complained back with voice tone getting higher but snapped as the headmister slam his hand to the desk shutting him down.

"disrespectful! lee jeno you are up to expulsion! i couldn't bare this anymore! mr. and mrs. lee must be so disappointed but i can't, i will process your expulsion and call your parents righr away". headmister moon said back.

jaemin was surprised but was expecting it anyway, yet seeing jeno's surrised and hesitant face makes him to think of something.

jeno, who's clearly thinking for what might possibly happened. my parents would be surely get mad at me again and would cut me this time if they found this one out. he think to himself.

he then quickly lean forward and he stop headmister moon from doing a call to the telephone.

"please sir-- i, i apologize sir, don't let my parents know about this im begging you" he pleaded as he bow his head.

"let me do something in exchange sir i-- i will promise i will change" he hesitatingly said.

jaemin and the headmister was completely surprised. "b-but this is with the rules and regulations of the school lee jeno, you know it this time snd you know where you belong" headmister moon responded back slightly making jeno to get hopeless.

"i can't even tell if your telling me the truth this time" he added.

jaemim then slightly walk forward. "sir excuse me but maybe we can do something like an everyday counseling and appoint someone to guide him and to check him if he's reslly changing" he added.

jeno who's then suddenly was pissed was slightly arises hope upon jaemin helping him to stay in, he then saw jaemin winks at him secretly making him to think of him as an idiot.

"hmmm let me think of it" headmister moon walk back and fort with the two waiting for his response, a couple of minute as he face the two students with smiles.

"na jaemin, you will be the one to guide jeno for a month long peer counseling" he gladly said earning different expressions from the two.

"me? / what?! " the two then stare at each other for a second then awkwardly turn their heads away with jaemin surprised and jeno getting annoyed to the maximum.

"jaemin knows you better than any other discipline committee here jeno, and besides jaemin is well train like he's the one who always disciplines you right?" headmister moon explained.

"but sir, from all of the other different students i mean-- that's so mean!" jeno complained even more.

as much as jaemin also wanted to complain, he couldn't because first of all it is the principal who's giving orders and secondly, it's his duty.

"there's no such things as mean or whatever, you promised to change jeno despite what your reasons are, you have to change your attitude here inside the campus" the headmister responded completely making him speechless as he furrowed even more then cross his arms tightly.

"starting tonight, you two will live on the same dorm room and--"

" what?! / but sir! " the two cutted as they complain on such orders.

"no buts! this is for your development jeno, and jaemim this is your duty as a student leader,  i will process that right away, you will accompany each other till jeno changes himself" he added as he return from his seat with smile of success as if he already has solved such big probems on his school yet still has the hopes for the plan to be successful.

the two teens, surprised yet hesitating, leave a sigh as they bow down then leaves the principal's office.

"how am i supposed to live with this bullshit sunflower urgh! his fucking presence annoys me very much!" jeno thinks to himself as he steal a glance on jaemin as they walk back to their classroom.

"this is gonna be a hard task" jaemin thought to himself on the other side, steal a glance to the other as well, quiet surprised by the decision but felt a sudden excitement upon living with the bully he's been enforcing for months.

T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D

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