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"sweetheart you gotta keep wishing to the stars okay?" the weak lady hardly speak a word but try to finish her line as he pat her crying son's head.

"mom you're not gonna leave me" the ten year old boy whines as he hold her mom's hand tighter.

"look, when the stars twinkle, it means you gotta shine brighter, despite the darkest" she added which makes the crying son to tear up more.

"mom please don't leave me, i love you" the little boy begs as he cry even more. the doctor and several nurses started comforting the child as they try their best to keep her alive.

"i will always be with you sweetheart, i'll always be with your favorite star in the sky"


and then, jeno felt the temperature burns his face as the sun hits him in the morning, completely waking him up.

the next thing he saw was jaemin beside his bed, leaning forward as if checking him and he's on his complete uniform already.

"what are you doing?" he asks as he rub both of his eyes then decided to rise uo from his bed.

"you're mouthing 'mom''mom' for several minutes this morning so i thought you're having bad dreams" jaemin answered as he sit on the bed and watches the other do his routine.

"and what about that?" jeno ask back.

jaemun temhen paused for a second. "well nothing, it's part of your therapy, i need to know you better" he said.

he then hear jeno 'tsked' making him to just sigh. come to think how is gonna live with that rude ass bully, doubting if this is gonna work.

five minutes then jeno leaves the bathroom so maybe it's another chance for jaemin to ask some few more questions.

"so is there something happened to your mother?" he unintentionally asked but jeno's expressions changes from so serious to the ooint where it gives him chills.

it sometimes trigger him to the point where he wanted punch someone who mentions something about his mom, but not this time.

he think jaemin really had no idea about what happened to his mother and his family so he sighed as he try not to appear rude and cruel in such an early morning.

"it's nothing important that you must know" jeno mouthed as he change to his school uniform.

he then took a glance on the other who's comfortably sitting on his bed. "aren't you going to school? why are you still here?" he annoyingly asked the other.

jaemin then sway his legs as he smiled. "we're going to school together, it's part of your therapy just like what i said: i need to know you better than bring cruel and a pain-in-the-ass bully" he said.

jeno just roll his eyes over as he finish fixes himself so he grab his things and signal jaemin to go which the other lately gets what he means so jaemin quickly grab hus backpack as well then follow him as jeno closes the door.

he's pretty annoyed, jaemin tells by jeno's expressions ad they walk to school so he slightly makes a distance.

"it's too early in the morning to have that look on your face" jaemin mouthed but jeno doesn't seems to give a care.

"you know being happy sometimes starts the healing of something, you know what i mean? there's no point of sulking around--"

"can you atleast just shut up okay?" jeno cutted him as he fixes his complicated tie which causes him to get annoyed even more.

"let me get it" jaemin who then notices it, pull jeno by his shoulders to face him as he started fixing jeno's necktie.

surprised by the closeness of each other, jeno remained calm but feeling the temperature on his face grows higher as jaemin continue fixing his tie.

he admits, jaemin does looks better in person, different from how he sleeps and how he's fully awake.

it doesn't take so long. jaemin then smiled. "there you go" he said as he and jeno continue walking.

jeno who's still was stun tries not to stare at him for the mean time or like he always wanted to do, but that moment just make him feel the same way as how would jaemin act nicely to him, fluttered i guess?

"t-thanks" he mumbles but jaemin quietly heard him saying something. "did you say something?" jaemin asked.

he then walk faster ahead of jaemin as he shook his head so jaemin quickly follows him along. "nothing we must go now, classes are about to start" he tells him instead.

jaemin nod his head in response.

"and uhmm, thank you for-- well uhmm-- fixing my bow today" he then clearly said which makes jaemin to get flustered upon not expecting it from him but smiled back.

the outcome he's not expecting to, but seeing how jeno acted differently makes him to feel relieved, which makes his smile to grow even wider, making the other to notice it as jeno started to roast him again.

"you should stop smiling that way, it annoys me"

"why not? im happy, aren't you happy?"

"get lost bullshit"

"yah! wait for me!"

T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D

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