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"j-jeno" stuttering yet jaemin manage to smile upon seeing jeno.

as he was about to rise up, yukhei then grabs the chance to punch back jeno making him to slightly pushes the poor jaemin back to the ground.

"motherfucker" jeno utters as he punches back yukhei making the two to worsen their brawl.

jaemin who wasn't badly hurt quickly tries to stop the two til several students started witnessing the fight, alarming some teachers as well.

"jeno stop it!" jaemin yelled at them as he try pulling jeno away.

the fight only stops when some teachers butted in then breaks the two apart, grabbing each two boys arms to prevent them from going as well as trying to steal punches to each other.

"you two are coming to the principal's office now" the teacher scolded leaving the two hopeless.

jaemin followed them as well, worried about the situation, but most importantly to jeno who's not that badly injured but has his lips bleeding and cheecks marked with purple, numbing spots.


"you again jeno? just how many times do i tell you about involving to fights?! where's jaemin?!" headmister moon scolded jeno first.

jeno then slightly moved forward as he defends himself. "it was him who started it sir! he's being a brat at the gate, breaking rules, jaemin tries to lecture him" jeno responded, voice tone slightly getting higher as he stand up frim his seat.

"but you punched me first rat!" yukhei defended as he stand from his seat as well.

"because you hurt jaemin! it was you who's wrong in the first place!" (he's not wrong, he's wong)

"STOOOP" hesdmister moon shouted, shutting the two down as he pointed them to sit back as they hang their heads low.

he then whisper to a teacher beside him to let jaemin enters the office, which the other did quickly.

"jaemin, you were there at the fight, is jeno really telling the truth?" headmister moon asked him.

jaemin who's been slightly furioused yet he clesr his throat then nods his head. "i was checking each student and the bell rings, i need to close the gate and yukhei arrived late, you can see it for yourself sir that he's also breaking the rules of wearing school uniforms and hair dyes" jaemin said.

"jeno is---" he then suddenly paused as he grow a slight fluttered from his inside, not knowing the reason why but he snapped as he continue talking. "jeno is just... trying to protect me, because yukhei fights back while im lecturing him sir" he shyly added.

yukhei who's been feeling grounded has his brows furrowed even more. jeno slightly smirked making the other to feel irritated even more.

"i see, yukhei,  i need your parents righr after your class this morning, and as for your punishment, yoh will be doing community service for a week starting today, is that clear?" headmister moon mandates leaving him eith jaws hanginf as he annoyingly groaned then step out of the office leaving the three.

"and as for you jeno, you don't have to punch him at all, i see some developments anyway about your attitude for thinking jaemin's welfare but next time, calm yourself down" headmister moon calmly said as he pat jaemin's shoulder.

"but he's a jerk, h-he...he's hurting jaemin" jeno shyly responded as he ignore stares to the two.

jaemin who's been surprised on the other side, grows even more flustered upon seeing jeno worrying about him.

admiting he just want to hugs the other teen righr away as a smile grows on his face.

"i know i know, you were trying protect him but that is still against the school rules, you and jaemin can return to your classes now" the principal said.

the two teens bow down before leaving with jaemin slightly clinging to the other as he checks the other's injured face.

"oh and jeno, two days community service, jaemin will assist you" principal moon teasingly utters as he try himself not to chuckle, making jaemin to hide his laughter with jeno, eyes snd mouth wide opened, getting startled upon his decision.

"let me take you to the clinic in the mean time" jaemin playfully utters as jeno hopelessly sighed then follow jaemin on the way.


"be gentle will you" jeno irritatingly utters as jaemin puts some ointment on his bruised cheek.

the older slightly groaned from pain with jaemin just laughing at his childish act making him to get annoyed even more.

"seriously, you don't really have to punch him in the first place,  luckily headmister moon was on our side" jaemin utters as he put bandage on the bruised part.

"then i should have let him choked you to death instead" jeno sarcastically replied, so jaemin intentionally slightly press the bruise on his cheeks making jeno groan louder.

"just stop it if you're making fun of me! don't you know that it hurts!" jeno yelled at him with teary eyes.

jaemin finds it adorable and funnt that he can't resist his laughter so he bite his lips instead to keep himself from laughing anymore.

"it's almost done" he said as he grab the ointment for lip wounds then squeeze a pea-sized on his pointing finger.

he then gently tap it on the edge of jeno's lower lip with the other trying  to endure the pain as jaemin heals him.

jaemin couldn't help to think but to feel wasted upon seeing jeno's beautiful face being injured. and thinking how he'd saved him from yukhei which is reslly surorising because it's not jeno's attitude to look on someone's worth and safety, he's a bully afterall.

jeno then notices jaemin paused from giving him aids as he stare back at him,  seeing jaemin looking at his face directly ang with different expressions so he slightly move away then divert his sight away from him.

"wha-what now?" he awkwardly stutter.

jaemin snapped as he shook his head, lips forming a smile as he continue tapping the ointment. "thank you for saving me" he mumbles.

jeno groan in response didn't clearly heard what jaemin says so the younger, with no hesitation grab his both cheeks to face him as he lean forward and dump his lips on jeno's.

jeno had his eyes wide opened, surprised as his heartbeat pounds faster, and as if his world stops.

he didn't feel that way before. the flowers and butterflies slowly grows from his inside.

little did he know is that he unknowingly lift his other arm and place it on the back of jaemin's head, slowly deepening jaemin's kiss as he kisses back the other.

T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D

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