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jeno decided to strengthens himself, slowly walking back to their dorm room, overly thinking and hesitating.

he then aused upon arriving at their dorm room and made a big sigh before he takes few knocks at the door.

it is as if he smelled something delicious as he opens the door making him crumble from hunger even more, seeing jaemin placing several delicacies on the table.

he really is eager to est already but he don't want to appear like he's given up or what, he try not to look at what is jaemin doing til the other notices he's already back.

"oh, y-your here, wait lemme finish this one" he said as he return to the kitchen then grab teo sets of plates and eating utensils then placed it alongside of the food he prepared.

"im sorry, i still don't know your preferences so i buy random ingredients instead" jaemin shyly said while rubbing his nape.

jeno wss a bit surprised, trying not to droll himself as it smells really fucking delicious. "a-are those for me?" he asked as he slowly walks nearer.

jaemin's isn't wrong at all, what he cooks was jeno's favorites at all.

the older choked from hunger as he grab a fork then tastes the meat firstly, next with the vegetables.

he could melt already upon tasting each delicacies, he didn't know jaemin is a good cook which slightly makes him surprised so he sat down then started placing food on his plate.

jaemin sighed and relief as a smile grows on his face, seeing how jeno hungrily starts eating everything he cooked.

jeno is, at all, really is hungry to death. he then notices jaemin was just standing there, stiff while watching him.

"aren't you going to eat?" he asked then slightly move himself from the couch to give him space.

jaemin was still feeling awkward but he nods as he hesitatingly sit beside him and started eating as well.

"uhmm, i actually wanna say sorry from yesterday" jaemin hesitatingly utters as he steal a glance at jeno who's busy eating.

jeno swallowed his food then grabs another meat which the other coincidentally picked as well.

the two were unease upon crossing paths so jeno pushes the meat towards jaemin instead. "t-there, you can have it" he shyly said as he grow blushes on his face.

"no, you can have it, i cooked these for you" jaemin utters back as he pick the meat then place it on jeno's plate.

jeno stare back at him then gives him a 'tsked'. he slice the meat into two and place the other on jaemin's plate.

jaemjn was flustered as he grow a blush on his cheeks as well. he smiled as he eats the meat jeno gived.

on the other side, jeno was also feeling the same, couldn't be able to prevent himself to smile while eating.

just by seeing the other eating everything he cooks makes jaemin to feel relieved already. he just wanted to steal another kiss already, he's so adorable, he thinks to himself.


the two were fondly full of the dinner, washed the dishes together, though feeling the slighted awkwardness upon being at each other's side, they never showed dismayal or hatred st each other.

upon finished washing the dishes, jeno did his night routines first as jaemin waits for him then followed him after jeno leaves the bathroom.

jaemin never felt such comforts that he almost forgot jeno is a pain-in-the-ass afterall. he helps him do the dishes and he's not regretting eating every food he cooked tonight.

after washing himself, he saw jeno already lying on the bed. it's already late afterall and they still have classes so he dry himself then gently placed himself on the bed as well.

jeno, finished what he's scrolling on the phone after jaemin is beside him.

hesitating whether to speak or not, he clear his throat. "thanks for the food today, you don't really have to cook that much" he shyly utters as he clutched on his knees then slightly turn around to face the window, letting the other to face his back instead.

jaemin smiled. "im glad you like it, i can cook for breakfast if you insist" he said. he then slightly notices jeno slightly turn his head to face him.

"r-really? no! i mean you don't really have to but-- well if you wanted to" jeno startled as he then slide himself under the blanket to hide his blushing self.

jaemin chuckled then slightly move closer to the other. "i wanna thank you as well" he said then playfully place his arm on jeno's waist to embrace him.

jeno was surprised, startled even more yet let jaemin hugs him from his back. he felt those butterflies again from his inside, he didn't know why.

he felt a sudden comfort which he is longing to, somewhst reminding him of someone who loves him so much.

noticing jaemin wasn't making a fuss anymore, thinking he's already asleep so he slightly turn his hesd to glance at him.

he's indeed was already drifting to dreamland while hugging jeno's body. jeno slightly smirked as he poke jaemin's cheeks. "you're such a sleepyhead" he chuckled between his words.

"why do i hate you so much" he mumbles as he poke jaemin's cheeks once more, which other quickly reacts by hugging him tighter.

jeno sighed. it is as if all his beef with jaemin suddenly disappeares with only him thinking of jaemin like someone he can already lean on, and with someone who can supports him and all his flaws, unlike he recent family who used to hate him in his behavior.

he turn his body around, now facing the other then lift his other arm to pull jaemin even more closer. he slide his other arm under jaemin's neck as he let the sleeping boy to nuzzle on his neck.

he just felt like he wanted to protect jaemin even more, he didn't know why feeling such responsibility. he didn't want jaemin to think of him as a pain-in-the-ass anymore, he didn't know why.

weird as he thinks, he nuzzle his chin on jaemin's soft hair, while embracing the other's warmth and with a smile on his face as he fall to sleep as well.

T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D

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