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it's been thirty minutes since jaemin moved in jeno's dorm. though jeno's been cocky over him, he still feels comfortable inside.

he sits at the couch for the mean time as he waits for his dinner order to come at the same time, watching the other stroll and do things.

not so long, jeno leaves the washroom with only towels below him so quickly divert his stares back to his phone but every couple of seconds, stealing a glance at jeno's perfectly fit yet slim body.

he then saw jeno changes to a smsrt casual outfit which he finds weird because it's nighttime.

"are you going somewhere?" he ask him.

"why do you even care?" jeno mouthed back as he continue wearing clothes.

jaemin then narrowed his sight. "you know, your parents are just one call away and expulsion is just papers away from hesdmister moon" he sarcastically responded.

jeno then annoyingly groans then finishes fixing himself. "im going to the club, happy?" he said as he grab his keys and was about to leave yet jaemin wuickly dashes and blocks the doorway.

"woah, you're not going anywhere, you're not even 21 for night clubs and we still have quizes tomorrow" jaemin said as he flustered a smile, trying to remind jeno.

jeno roll his eyes as he try pushing jaemin away from the door. "i can manage my quizes okay? and promise ill come home tonight" he never felt such secured of all his life that he needs to beg for someone yet jaemin didnt bite as he shook his head.

i guess that leaves me no choice,  jeno thinks to himself as he sighed. he then grab jaemin by shoulder then slighty slide him away from the door and pin him on the wall instead with only a couple of inch of distance between their faces.

it made jaemin as if his world stops as his heart pounds and his face started to grow red and hot. jeno keeps on blankly staring at him like he's luring him which even makes jaemjn to feel such spark and butterflies all of a sudden.

"can i go to the club tonight, please jae" jeno said in a deep husky voice, slightly making jaemin to feel shivers from his bones yet he must refrained himself.

"what if i don't want you to go? and w-will you get off of me" jaemin sarcastically respinded back as he clutch his hand on jeno's chest to push him away but jeno keeps on leaning himself closer.

"then that leaves me no choice na jaemin" jeno replied on the same voice tone, inching himself even more til their noses touches.

jeno lower his stare down on jaemin's pink lips, biting his own as he tries aiming to kiss the other.

jaemin was on the edge to explode already so he forcely pushes jeno away while mouthing 'okay' consecutively. "okay, but you're going home before the curfew and make sure not to keep away from bad things, if i find out you make a scene at that club, im not gonna let it this time, im gonna call your parents right away" jaemin hopelessly utters as he crosses his arms while the other was happily clapping his hands excitedly like a kid.

"yes yes i promise, thank you" jeno rushes as he gives jaemin a quick peck on the cheeks then immediately leaves the room, leaving the other surprised and speechless.

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