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the two are now on their way to the msin gate of the school,  backpacks on as they hold each other's hands with jeno leading the way.

"hey jen, wait. do we really have to go like right now?" startled yet he clearly said.

"it's  a feast right, shouldn't we wear more decent? and, we just got lunch" jaemin added as they paused from walking.

"it's fine really, i just-- wanted to show my father that he's wrong all these years, for leaving me and for forgetting my mother" jeno replied as he hang his head low.

"i didn't tell you about this right? but my real mother died from cancer when i was ten, my father then abused me so much that i started fighting back and he cutted me" jeno explained which suddenly making jaemin to light up and form reasons why jeno is being rude and a bully at all.

"unfortunately i am living under my mother's savings and my father is supporting me through headmister moon's help. a year after my mom died, i didn't even know he's already remarried to someone else, he's a jerk." jaemin then slightly notices jeno becomes teary which is weird and touching because he's not use to see him sad, he's rather get nagged and roasted by him.

"my mom loves him so much, he didn't even cared and remmarried someone else i don't know. he didn't even treated me like he's own son" he added as he was really on the bridge to tear out but he felt jaemin holds his hand tighter.

he raise his head seeing jaemin worriedly staring at him but had his lips smiling that comforted him quickly and his broken heart.

smoothly and with no hesitation, jaemin pecks him on the lips leaving him surprised once again with eyes wide opened but as soon as jaemin smiled again, it is as if all his heart aches suddenly disappears.

"you'll be fine, we're just going to meet them and you'll confront your father right? aren't you the type who bullies everyone here in school?" jaemin teasingly utterd making jeno to roll his eyes yet smirked back.

"ill be always here for you, i promise i won't leave your side" jaemin added.

those comforting words just wanted jeno as if to make his soul fly, he didn't know why. much as how those butterflies and flowers to grow even more from inside of him.

jeno did make a good choice. meeting jaemin isn't a bad idea, now there's someone he can lean on whenever he's down, which always he wanted ever since his mother passed away.

just as when he was about to lean his face forward, aiming to kiss jaemin back again, a car horn distracted making them to look at the direction where it came from with jeno being annoyed immediately.

jaemin on the other side was surprised upon seeing a limousine car parked in front of the school gate.

"come on, it's here already" jeno annoyingly utters upon distracting his moment with jaemin, grabbing the other's hand tightly as they walk outside the gate.

the ride's chauffeur quickly leaves the car and open the door for them. jaemin remained amazed by how luxurious it is, stared at jeno for the mean time before they enter the car.

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