▫ s e v e n

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it's been another day round.

jeno and jaemin were together but they don't have guts to talk to each other, nor seeing each other's faces.

awkwardness, as they says. though they're staying together, sleept on the same bed and going to school together, it is as if they didn't know each other, ever since they did it on the clinic yesterday morning.

it's their class free day so obviously there's no class, only to make their situation gets worse because they won't be having chances to ignore crossing paths with each other.

unfortunately, jeno couldn't think of any ways to go outside the dorm so he dump himself on the bed til noontime.

jaemin on the other side, starting his chores and homeworks, thinking the same awkward situation as jeno.

he couldn't focus at all. "urgh, why did i kiss him in the first place" he think to himself as he pull of a leaf of paper from his note then crumbled it to calm himself.

since jeno isn't looking and is under his thick blanket, he try to glances at the other making a large bump on the bed.

he couldn't help but to feel guilty, awkward and fluttered at the same time, still thinking how would they kiss each other yesterday.

"what the fuck are you thinking" he slightly mumbles as he scratches his head then consecutively hit his forehesd to the desk.

jeno was slightly alarmed by the sound of jaemin hitting his head to the desk so he slip his head off the blanket, seeing him hitting himself.

he tsked as he cover himself back. "such an idiot" he utters. though feeling weird and awkward, he couldn't help as well but to feel a slight softness from his inside as the memory of him and jaemin kissing once enter his mind.

unintentionally, he made a large kick through the pillows and blanket above him to keep himself away from such naughty thoughts, earning the other's attention as well.

"i couldn't resist it anymore!" he shouted as he fixes himself and grab a sweatshirt or two.

"i-im going outside" jeno awkwardly utters, not taking a glance as he head to the door.

"where are you going?" jaemin shyly asked back as he watches him leave.

"just some-- err fresh air" jeno quickly mutters then shut the door. he then takes a heavy sigh as he think of a place to go for the mean time.

jaemin on the other hand, sighed as well upon jeno's leaving. making them on the same area can't help him but to overthink things that he shouldn't be thinking, you know,  things.


it's almost four in the afternoon. jeno hasn't eaten anything. he forgot his wallet on the dorm but he don't want to see jaemin for the mean time.

he stayed at the park the whole day, doing nothing but to witness different persons doing their usual chores.

his stomach is starting to crumble from hunger,  making him to just hoplessly sigh.

"this is weird, i never felt such a loser ever since" he said to himself as he glances to the sun slowly setting at the end of the river.

he then notices several early stars started shining at the orange skies, couldn't help himself but to think of his dead biological mother again.

"i still miss her so much" he added as he rises up from the grass then was about to leave but accidentally bump to someone as he rises up.

"j-jeno" a familiar voice greeted him. he raises his head to see the other familiar guy, ehich slightly makes him a bit startled at the same time annoyed.

"renjun" he utters back.

"sorry, i didn't see you sitting, i-i was busy eith my dog" the other furiousedly replies while growing shivers all over his bones. he still is afraid of jeno anyway.

jeno raise a brow as he stare at the white shitzu fog, renjun was holding. the dog wasn't barking at all and has his tongue hanging out, surprisingly jumped over jeno who is still on the ground.

"xiaoxiao!" renjun called as he try getting the dog off of jeno, but the dog seems in comfort on jeno's lap.

jeno remained speechless as he try patting the dogs head. "how old is she?" he asked him.

surprised yet renjun clear his throat. "s-she's three months old" he shakingly responded.

jeno smirked as he continue playing the dog's hair with the cute puppy playfuly barks at him. the dog really likes him though which mskes renjun in relief but he couldn't help to think that jeno was still a scary bully afterall.

"he's so small, he do reminds me of someone, don't you?" jeno sarcastically utters as he teasingly stare back at renjun.

renjun quickly ignore stares as he grab xiaoxiao from jeno's lap. "i-im sorry for bothering you" he utters as he bow his head down.

he then notices jeno who had his injuries still on his face because of what happened yesterday. he's not used to see him with it because jeno is always been so highly elevated and scary among any other students at the school.

so he sat down beside him as he slightly loosen his grip to xiaoxiao, in which the other dog quickly shifts place back on jeno.

"i-i heard you got a fight yesterday, i-im sorry" renjun stutters, trying to glance at jeno playing with the dog.

jeno had his brows rising as he talked to him so renjun was slightly furioused once more. "i-im sorry for talking, xiaoxiao!" he nervously cracked.

jeno finds it funny, couldn't prevent himself to let go a smirk so he grsb the dog and lend it back to renjun, which the other quickly grabs and lock it between his arms.

"you should try being xiaoxiao once, he's small but he's confident,  unlike you who's very weak and pity" jeno said as he flexes his arms then rises up from the ground.

"you don't have to be scared of me, it's not that im making out with you or what, i still hates weak and small people" he added slightly flinching the other by the tone of his voice.

he then smiled as he started walking away.  "see you at school then" he raise an arm to wave at him as he walk away.

renjun haven't seen him acted like that, nor seeing jeno smiled and waving goodbye at him. he smiled as well as he pat the small dog on his arms then rises up from the ground as well and leaves on the opposite direction.

"he's scary isn't he xiaoxiao?"

the dog, completely disaggreeing, barks in his own language.

T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D

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