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it was class break and jeno, jisung and yangyang had a time to meet each other. jeno has been fully bossy once again since jaemin wasn't around.

they're now walking at the hallway towards the cafeteria which is not very crowded.

"so how is it living with the student council president? i saw you hyung doing garbage segregation with him yesterday" jisung teasingly said as he and yangyang slightly chuckles but quickly stopped as jeno glare at them.

"if i have to list the persons i hate, jaemin would be next to my father snd my stepmom, he really thinks he's more than my mom ordering things to me to 'make me change' urgh!" he groaned as they continue walking.

"isn't it great? you and jaemun has connections so it means that you still have your name and status elevated but in a good way" yangyang added.

few steps til they saw a familiar person near water sink, struggling over the faucet. few more distances and they notice it was renjun.

jeno suddenly felt the trigger to make fun of him again as he signal the other two but as soon ad they're about to surprise the other, he saw jaemin walking on the opposite direction, towards them so jeni quickly stop jisung and yangyang to do so.

annoyed but jeno had to act like he's changing to get rid of jaemin so soon. by renjun's surprise, jeno taps him on his shoulder as he slightly freak out then move away from the sink as jeno signal him to do so.

jeno took few spins and twist on the water faucet until the water runs back again. he then grab renjun's bottle and put water on it.

when it's full he lend it back to the other, not giving a smile or what but it made renjun to slightly get surprised by how he acts towards him so he shyly smiled as he slightly lower his face to hid his growing red face.

"t-thanks" renjun said.

jaemin saw it clearly which slightly makes him relieved as he happily continue ealking towards them and calls jeno. "jeno jenjen jeno!" he called.

jeno gives him a disgust expression upon hearing what jaemin calls him, notices how jisung and yangyang smirked over that so he glares at them again.

the other then slightly cling hid hand over his arm as if cooeing him makes him annoyed even more.

"what do you want? stop being childish" he utters as he awkwardly removes jaemin's grip on his arm.

jaemin slightly pouts his lips. "your session with me is about to start, your first class is free today right?" he asked with full smiles.

annoyed, annoyed, irritated yet jeno had nothing to do but to follow what jaemin's gonna say, for him to be able to stay in school and with out getting trouble with his parents.

he hopelessly sighed as jaemin grab his arm again then they started to walk away.

"oh and by the way, jisungie, yangyang, the guidance counselor is looking for you, this naughty boy really did brings you in his troubles nuhh?" jaemin cooed like a baby which slightly caused the other three to smile.

jeno roll his eyes as he glare at jisung and yangyang then divert hid attention to renjun who was then was startled seeing jeno glaring at him as well.

"im not done with you" jeno secretly mouthed at him as he points at him upon noticing jaemin wasn't putting attention at them as they walk away.


the other day, jaemin was back to his usual student council president works. he stayed at the school gate for the mean time, checking every students in their uniforms and etc.

kinda bored but he needs to deal with it. it's also a chance for him to wait for jeno to arrive as well because the other let him go first.

it takes almost minutes til the bell rings for the first period of classes so he decided to close the school's gate yet when someone forcely holds the other end of the sliding gate so he quickly look back.

"wait up" the guy said as he was about to enter yet jaemin quickly blocks the way.

"wong yukhei, class 4-A, i guess you're oriented about the proper hair styles and uniform right? blonds are not allowed and you're not an idol trainee either plus black sandos instead of white and proudly showing it with your unbuttoned polos, come again in a decent appearance" jaemin lectures as he continue sliding the gate, closing it but yukhei is forceful, trying to butt in making the student president to get irritated.

"just let me in already! you know im late!" yukhei shouted as he slightly pushes jaemin off from the gate.

"well it's not my fault sir, blame yourself and your bad self-discipline skills! now go home and fix yourself unless im calling the--" jaemin was cutted when yukhei then grabs him by his collars slightly choking him and he glare at the younger.

"just who do you think you are you filthy president my ass" yukhei utters to him as if threatening him as jaemin tries to free himself.

second after, they were alarmed when someone yelled behind yukhei. "let go of him bullshit".

and the next thing happened was, yukhei is being punched directly at the face, realising jaemin from the grip making him to slightly stumble to the ground.

"are you okay?" he asked as he help jaemin rises up and by with his surprise seeing a very familiar face with a worried expression different from how he used to see him.


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