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jaemin in his usual student body president duty, so early in school monitoring each students before entering the gate.

tired and sleepy but he felt the day starts brightly that he didn't wanted to waste on, he wondered why.

just as when the bell was about to ring, the last student waiting to be monitored entered, seems like a freshman and a bit younger and shorter than him.

jaemin did a check up on him,  seeing him having earings.

"you know that's against the rules wearing those right?" jaemin utters making the other to pouts as he signal his palm to put them off but the kid refused.

"hyung-ah, they look so cool and beside i-i got some performances later so i need to look good" the kid maked up reasons trying to get passed with the strict jaemin.

jaemin smiled back as he shook his hesd, signaling him again to take them off but the kid refused once again making just sighed as he grab his record book then try searching for the kid's name.

"let's see, refusing to take earings off is another mistake, that's make you two offenses" he calmly utters as he try not be harshed, smiled back at the annoyed kid.

not so long, it is as if the kid in front of him saw a monster coming, eyes suddenly popped out as he started to shivers from nervousness when he saw him coming towards them.

confused so jaemin turn around seeing jeno walking towards them with his usual scary expressions, probably the reason why the kid was so fucking nervous.

"hey kid if you don't want to listen to your senior, mind atleast to avoid this knuckle of mine to hit on your face?" jeno utters as he glare at the kid.

pretty scared, the kid quickly removes his earings as he lends it to jaemin then wuickly run for his life before he gets to trouble.

afterall jeno is still known for being scary and mean especially for freshmen.

jaemin who was then in relief, sighed upon seeing there's no student left entering the campus anymore, diverting his attention back to jeno.

"hey handsome" he greeted him, quickly leaning forwards and steal a peak on jeno's lips.

"hey cutie" jeno greeted back with a smile as he and jaemin started to walk back to their classroom. "how is it going?" he asked.

"nothing, the same situation everyday, lowkey tired already" jaemin whined as he walks like a tired kid, stomping his feet adorably.

jeno couldn't help but to chuckles. "aish, such a childish" he mumbles, grabbing jaemin's hands tightly as he drag him back then out of the gate.

"w-where are you taking me?" jaemin asked yet jeno doesn't seems to be listening so he force himself to let go of jeno's grip as he stop walking making the other to do so.

"where are we going? we still have classes" he said.

jeno roll his eyes, grabbing both jaemin's wrist again as he continue walking, dragging the other along hopelessly. "we're cutting classes of course, it's not like you haven't done this once in your life, right?" jeno playfully responded.

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