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afternoon classes is about to start yet jeno haven't finished eating his lunch, grumpily messing it with brows furrowing as he think of how he's going to live comfortably when someone's watching him.

jisung and yangyang, he's friends-- or more like his sidekicks on doing bad things confusedly watches him before jisung snap.

"uhmm, are you okay hyung?" jisung asked.

jeno then glare back at him. "hoe am i supposed to feel? i get caught again and you two left me you dumbheads" he groans as he pushes the tray in front of him causing it to fall from the table which caught the attention of the other students as well.

"look jen, it's just-- i sort of thought about it, your getting so much trouble--"

"because you fools aren't cooperating that much!" jeno cutted yangyang as he rises up angrily then smash his hands on the table.

not knowing jaemin and his friends is around, about to enter the canteen soon as they notice jeno making a scene again.

some students started gossiping as they leave yet jeno ignored them, glaring at them as he calm down and return to his seat.

jaemin sighed as he signal his two friends to go first. he then walk towards jeno's table, making the other two notice him walking towards them so they signal jeno.

jeno slightly felt startled as he quickly grab the trays and trashes under his table, which the others did as well.

"can i sit here? the other tables seems packed and dirty" jaemin asked as he gives them a smile then scoot beside jeno, which the other quickly slide a distance away from him.

"sandwich is good on tuesdays isn't it?" jaemin added as he open his snack, slightly annoying jeno yet refrained himself as he stand up.

"we're going" jeno said as he signal jisung and yangyang to go as well, but before they were about to leave, he heard jaemin said something so he paused and slightly turn his head around.

"you should stop acting like a kid, im watching you" jaemin utters.

jeno never felt such a threat yet he heard the same thing as always, but this time, different like how his parents would give him threats everytime he return home with bad news of him, slightly making his heart to pound from nervousness.

he choked as he continue walking with the two tailing him as they leave the canteen.

jaemin smirk as he watches them leave. it's something he's just messing with but he never thought jeno would bite that easily.

"lee jeno, you're starting to give me chills"


after class, jeno impatiently waits for jaemin to arrive at his dorm building, leaning on the main door as he started walking circling around while bad mouthing at jaemin taking so much time to arrive.

few seconds, he saw jaemin and his friends arriving from a distance with big loads of bags on their hands, probably jaemin's things.

as soon as they arrive to the building entrance, jaemin pave goodbye and thanks to his friend as they leave.

jaemin then greeted jeno a smile. jeno roll his eyes then open the doorway and leave jaemin behind.

"aish, he didn't even bother to help me" jaemin mumbkes to himself then fixes the bag strings to fit on his hands as he struggle to enter the doorway.

not a few steps till he step inside the dorm building, jeno felt jaemin was a distance away from him because the other was with his eyes strolling all over the dorm hallway so he utters a groan and stop to wait for him.

"it's not like the dorms here isn't different than yours, just get the hurry fuck up" jeno complains as he grab the other couple bags on jaemin's other hand, unintentionally grabbing the other boy's hand as well slightly making the two to get surprised as jeno quickly remove his grip and flustered blushes on his cheeks.

"u-uhmm, im just-- err lending a help" jeno awkwardly quickly responded as he rub his nape.

jaemin found it adorable, thinking he never saw this side of jeno, making him to slightly chuckles so he lend the other bags to him which the other quickly grabs as they continue walking.

"thank you" he utters back. jeno then stare back at him. no one has ever thank him that way, which is weird for him, slightly making his inside to grow soft for some reasons.

not so long, they arrived at jeno's room. jaemim was even more wowed when they enter the big room-- more like an apartment as he thought.

"expect to the richest student in the school, your room is really nice" jaemin utters as stare around while jeno place his things.

"my parents costumize this room for me" jeno responded as he jumps on his wide bed then grab his phone.

"come to think, even though you're so rude and arrogant and disrespectful, it's neat and clean here" jaemin sarcastically utters as he continue checking every worthy and expensive things inside.

not so long, he realize there's only one big bed inside the room as jaemin check around. "wait, there's only one bed?!" jaemin asked.

jeno then stare back at him teasingly. "im not gonna stay uncomfortable when im with you, you can sleep on the floor or return to your dorm room if you want bed" he utters back.

jaemin then pouted as he grab his things and organize it alongside jeno's things. the closet is wide enough to fit his things as well, come to think he notice several lines dividing the closets and tables.

"what are these for?" he asked and dozing teen.

"to keep our things seperated, if i see your's crosses that line ill burn your things down" jeno then added as if threating him.

jaemin shrug his shoulders. anyway it's the best thing to do to keep it organize as well so he continue til he arrive to the big bathroom.

the bathroom is also fancy with his jaws wide open as he stroll around. "this feels like im in a hotel or something".

there he found trays of jeno's body products beside the sink, and there's no line drawn alotted for him so he smiled then decided to continue organizing his things alongside jeno's.

what slightly makes him flustered is that, he saw a blue ryan mug with a pink toothbrush in it. "cute, we even have the same mug and toothbrush brand" he mutters then decided to place his own pink mug and blue toothbrush brush beside it.

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