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"dad, it's nice seeing you again".

as they walk nearer, jaemin never felt such nervousness though it wasn't supposed to be him to feel that way but jeno appears to be comoletely different.

"have a sit, son" his father sarcastically utters as he signal several assistants to lend the sit for then two.

"you even brought a friend, it's nice seeing you making friens at all, i didn't expect that" his father added, as if really making fun of him with his stepfamily.

"come on dear, now since jeno is here, shall we start eating? im starving already" jeno's stepmother utters soon as another grouo of persons, probably cooks, enters the room, each holding different luxurious delecacies as they placed it on the table.

jaemin never felt so much hunger once again upon seeing those delicious food.

"care to introduced your friend to us?" jeno's father cutted making jaemin to oay his attention back as he smiled back at them.

"he's jaemin, he's been helping me at school lately and he's living in my dorm room" jeno directly answered, blankly and with no expression at all.

all of them nod their heads as they smiled towards jaemin.

"hoping he doesn't worsen your behavior at school" jeno's father added, slightly hurting jaemin's feelings with jeno being completely triggered immediately.

"sweety don't be rude" jeno's stepmother mutters as he pat his father's hand.

"i heard you've become such a pain in school ever since i transfer you there? how do you think i feel whenever someone reported me that" jeno's father said, voice slightly getting higher with jeno's stepmother quickly calming and refraining him to do so.

"look at your stepbrothers, you're my biological child but you acted like you didn't deserve all my wealth to be bistowed upon" his father added.

jeno couldn't resist anymore. he had his knuckles all the way formed on his hand, in which jaemin quickly notices makes him to get worried.

with no hesitation, jeno slams the table as he rises up. "did you invite me to shame me again in front of them?" jeno bursted.

"did you invite me to let me feel that im not a part of your family?" he added.

"seriously, i didn't know why but why dad? the first time i know you even married her after mother died, just-- how fool are you to conpletely forgetting him that quick!" jeno utters now with eyes slightly getting teary.

"do you think i didn't feel hurt when your mother died? i bet this what your mother wanted as well! and you-- you rude and disrespectful--"

just as when his father wasn't finished talking, jeno cutted him. "then why?! why are you being like these to me?! you only see me in my bad ways! you didn't even let me feel hoe to have a father ever since i was born and-- you almost forgot me after mother died!" he yelled back.

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