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Saturday... no rehearsal... nor does my future-husband-to-be work. Meaning quality time together. Maybe get some of our wedding planning done.

I casually woke up at about 9:30. I began to blink trying to adjust to the morning light, which was not a lot, but still seemed like a lot. I knew Jason was already up. He does his morning runs and what not before 9:00. Usually he's up by 7 at the latest. I don't know how he can do that, but I sure know I am not the best when I'm up earlier than I need to be.

I slowly arisen from the warm bed and made my around boxes to grab my robe that I tossed onto a pile of boxes. I wrapped it around my body and slid into my comfy slippers and walked into the main living space. First thing I noticed was Jason making breakfast.

"Why are you up? It was supposed to be a surprise." He whined.

"Sorry," I chuckled.

"Well, one of these days I will make you breakfast in bed without you waking up." He laughed. I walked over and gave him a kiss. "So what is on the agenda for today?"

"I was thinking we could get the wedding planning done," I suggested.

"Sounds great! We can try and get as much done since it is June." He nodded.

"After breakfast, I'm going to take a quick shower, and then we can get started." I smiled. I ate the eggs, bacon, and hash browns that Jason had made.

After a nice long shower, I got dressed and ready for the day. I wore a comfy white blouse with a pair of blue jeans. Not only that, I wore a pair of black and white converse. My hair was down as per usual and I wore s little make up.

I walked out of the bathroom. Jason was wearing a pair of jeans and a navy tee shirt that was blank.

"Alright, Rachel has a bunch of suggestions for wedding planning." I stated as I picked up this folder full of papers, articles, ads, and what not that Rachel gave me that were anything to do with weddings.

"Wow, she must have her wedding planned already with whoever she will marry one day." Jason furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, she probs has hers and Jessie's wedding already planned when they aren't even engaged." I chuckled.

"Who's Jessie?" Jason asked as he handed me my purse.

"Her on and off again boyfriend." I replied.

"Interesting." He nodded.

"It's kind of complicated to keep up with." I chuckled. He just laughed as well. "According to this, we should go to a place where they can print invites quickly. Meaning we should discuss the guest list first." I read off the list Rachel gave me.

"Okay, well, how about the both of our families." He started.

"Do we want a big wedding or small one?" I asked.

"How about a big, so we can invite all of our friends, families, and what not to support our special day." He suggested.

"That'd be... wonderful!" I grinned. I have to admit, I have lots of friends that I wanted to invite.

After writing our a guest list, we gradually made our way out of our apartment and to looking around for locations. From hotel ballrooms to churches. None of which had that feeling of making the biggest commitment of our life in. We needed to have that feeling on the inside. This was the biggest day of our lives.

"I don't know... that church was nice... didn't give me the right vibe though." I explained as I continued to hold onto Jason's hand.

"Yeah, I agree. It was roomy, but I wasn't fan of the alter." Jason added.

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