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Getting ready for The Late Night With Jimmy Fallon show is probably one of the most nerve wracking moments in my entire life. I just sat there and staring at my reflection in the mirror backstage. Sebastian and I hadn't talked outside of the show since the whole party. We only perform together, and he still hasn't talked to me. Why was he mad at me anyways? I did nothing wrong. We only have a few more shows left, and he hasn't talked to me since opening night which was three weeks ago.

I checked my phone. Lots of good luck texts. I just sighed.

"Five minutes until you are on the air." One of the crew man knocked on my door.

"Alright, thank you." I nodded. I sighed and got up from my seat, leaving my phone on the vanity, and I made my way out of the dressing room door. Sebastian happened to walk out of his dressing room at the same time. I looked over and he just looked away. He was wearing a white button up shirt with blue slacks. His shirt wasn't buttoned up fully. His hair was gelled back in a classic Prince Charming hairstyle. I can smell his cologne... his amazing scent that has never been more attractive than ever.

"You can't just ignore me." I commented. He stayed quiet. "What did I say to make you this mad at me?" I questioned. Still no response. "So unprofessional." I muttered. I can see the anger in his eyes.

"Twenty seconds." The crew members interrupted our silence.

"Thank you." Sebastian nodded at the crew member.

"Yeah, thanks." I nodded. We both made our way to behind the curtain waiting for Jimmy Fallon to introduce us.

"Up next, we have the two stars of Broadways very own the Adams Family—Giselle Archer and Sebastian Smythe!" Jimmy Fallon announces. I take a deep breathe and walked out before Sebastian. We faked our smiles. We didn't want the world to know about our personal problems with one another. We smiled and waved at the life audience. I sat down closer to Jimmy Fallon on the couch and Sebastian day down at the edge.

"Welcome guys!" He greeted.

"Hi Jimmy. Thanks for having us." I spoke.

"So how is the show going for the two of you?" He asked.

"It's going incredibly well! The show has been sold out each and every show." I smiled.

"The show is going great! Thanks for asking, Jimmy." Sebastian comments.

"So Giselle," he began.

"Please, Jimmy. Call me, Elle." I reassured him.

"Alright, Elle. What will you be doing after the show ends?"

"Well, I have a few projects lined up that I cannot discuss." I commented.

"Dang..." he sighs. "What about you Sebastian?"

"Like Elle said, there are some things I am not allowed to discuss. Things are being made in the works at the moment." He comments.

"Alright, alright." He sighs. "What drew you both to the show in the first place?"

"For me, I auditioned a few weeks before I graduated from Yale, but I was drawn to the story of Wednesday, because all my life—I was expected to be and act like I was someone I wasn't. Then, she later becomes more of who she was. That's what drew me to the story." I explained.

"Well, my story isn't that personal. I just loved the musical, and took a chance to audition." Sebastian states.

"Interesting... Rumor has it that you two have had a history..."

"Very much in the past." I corrected. "Now we are just really good buds." I acted playfully as I playfully punched his arm.

"When you both were casted, did you both know that the other would get the part to play as the on stage lover?"

"I didn't know who was casted until the first rehearsal. When I did find out it was Sebastian who plays Lucas, I was just happy it was a good friend so it wasn't awkward." I explained.

"Well, I happened to know the cast, but like she said, I was just happy that i had a good friend to share the stage with."  He paused. "In high school, I knew she was going to make it big, and one day I hoped I would share there stage with her."

I looked over and just couldn't help to let out a blush. 

"What challenges did you face when getting ready for the show?" Fallon asked.

"The wig... the wig and I didn't get along until after opening night." I chuckled.

"For me, it was trying to adjust to playing Lucas." Sebastian added. "My life was never the happiest, and Lucas tends to be very positive, so I had the challenge to play someone who is very optimistic."

"So I found this video on YouTube of a duet you guys performed at a local karaoke bar the day before opening night.... let's take a look." He points at the big screen. It was when Sebastian and I performed Smooth Criminal. After it played, he looked over at us. "Tell me about this song, because it shows there is something between you two when you both were singing."

"This song was actually something we sang back in our junior years of high school. It was a little sing off we had at his school's multipurpose room." I began.

"You see we were in rival glee clubs, and we were settling something and that was the first time she had gain a little bit of confidence in her voice. So she was nervous before opening night, and so I wanted to remind her who she was." Sebastian brought up.

"And it was obvious that I still was the better performer." I teased.

"We will have to see about that." Sebastian chuckled.

"Wait—Rival glee clubs?" Jimmy laughed.

"Yeah—I was in McKinley High School's New Directions..." I paused.

"And I was in the Dalton Academy Warblers." Sebastian added.

"So how does it feel to be no longer rivals, but to be working on the same stage against other shows?" Jimmy asks.

"It's such an incredibly feeling to not be competing against each other for a change." I chuckled.

"Well—we may still be a little competitive." Sebastian points out.

"For the most part it's great." I glared at him.

After the show, Sebastian and I made our way backstage

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After the show, Sebastian and I made our way backstage.

"Good show." I smiled. He just ignored me again. "Back with this..." I muttered. "Fine, be that way." I growled as hurried back into my dressing room.

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