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Wedding Bells... Yippee? Wait, I shouldn't be questioning it. Today is the rehearsal for the dinner, and something still didn't feel right. It was a gut instinct. I just couldn't name it. As I got ready for the rehearsal, I stared at my reflection in my bathroom mirror. Even in all of my make up and my hair in its updo, I still was not sure who I was. High school, I imagined waiting until I was 30. Being 24 years old, I felt like it all was something that I should consider. I've always wanted kids, however, is now the right time to commit this heavily? Yet again, I always saw my mom getting me ready for my wedding. I always imagined her helping me with my hair and make up. Her helping the caterer.

I felt cold hands on my shoulders. I jumped.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." Jason apologized.

"Uh—yeah. It's all good. Didn't expect you it." I tried to hide my doubt.

"Well, I just came in to check and see if my soon to be wife is already for the rehearsal dinner." He brought up.

"Yeah. Just give me a few minutes." I smiled.

"I am going to go start up the car and come down when you are ready." He reassured me.

"Alright," I waved him off. If you ask me, I was not ready for the ceremony tomorrow. What if things didn't go well? What if he doesn't want to marry me? What if we end up getting a divorce in a year? So many what ifs?

I took a deep breathe and I made my way over to the bathroom door. I came out in a maroon dress that was very flowy.

I sighed as I slid on my heels, and did a quick mirror check

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I sighed as I slid on my heels, and did a quick mirror check. Looked presentable to our friends and family that were coming to the rehearsal dinner. We had our immediate families, the bridesmaids, and the groomsmen attending to go over wedding details and go over an outline. I've only met his family once. He has six siblings. His older sister, Sarah. His five brothers: Mark, Jack, Derek, Harry, and Jonathan. His parents were very traditional. By that, I mean they are very religious. I met Jason our in the car.

"Looking good." He smirked as he kissed me.

"Thanks," I smiled. "You're parents like me, right?" I questioned.

"They adore you. Don't worry about anything. Things will go great. Today and Tomorrow ." He reassured me.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right." I tried to calm myself. We drove out. It was held at this nice hotel. His family set this up, which made it more nerve wracking. Something was still wrong with this entire thing. Everything could go wrong.

When we got to the hotel, we both journeyed our way inside to the ballroom the dinner was held at. There were signs everywhere guiding us.

"My beautiful son!" His Mother, Roseanne, greeted Jason. "Giselle." She smiled. I can tell she still didn't like me. "Beautiful, am I right?" She admired her hard work.

"Yeah, it looks amazing, Roseanne." I smiled.

"I am sure you will one day be able to plan something like I can." She snickered. I just rolled my eyes. She began to show us around. "So from 6:00-6:30, you will both be greeting the guests that come. We have name tags and we placed them according to the RSVP and by importance." She explained. Then, I noticed how Mr. Schue and Mrs. Schuester were both towards the end.

"May I?" I asked.

"May you what?" She gave me an odd look.

"I'm gonna switch some name tags around on my side, because everyone is important to me, but I want my mentor and his wife to be near my parents."

"Why?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Because I went through a lot and these two helped me when life was going downhill, so I want them to be closer to my parents." I argued.

"Alright," she acted like she did nothing wrong. I switched some of the name tags around on my side that suits me the best.

"Alright, you two, have guests to greet." She pushed me away from the large tables.

After half an hour of greeting people and hugging, we both made our way over to our seats. Right now was just speeches by some important people. Jason's friends were telling stories about him on base and what not. Eventually it got to my side. My dad stood up.

"When your mother died, you were left to grow up on your own. As a father, I failed. I attempted to set you up with boys who were aspiring to be doctors and what not thinking that was my job. It didn't hit me until your junior year that you needed me to be a real father and you needed me to listen. I never listened to the fact that you wanted to go into this business. When I listened, I finally got to know the young woman who grew up without both of her parents. Giselle, I don't know if I ever told you that I am proud of you and proud of what you accomplished." He stated. "Jason, you are a fine young man, and I know you make my daughter happy."

"Thank you, dad." I smiled.

After several more speeches from my friends, we all began to eat food and chat with one another.

"Hey, Jason. I'm going to go get some fresh air. I'll be back." I told him as I stood up from my seat.

"Alright dear, take as much time as you need." He reassured me. I just needed a break from everything. The social gatherings and affairs and I just needed to go outside and think for myself. Between his stuck up mother and her plans and hatred towards me, I just wanted a break.

I stood outside the hotel.

"Little late for a beauty like you to be out." Sebastian's not so sly voice startled me. "Elle, can we talk?"

"About...?" I tried to forget what happened two weeks ago.

"The whole me wanting to kiss you... I... you..." he paused and took a deep breathe. "I love you, and no matter how many times I try to avoid my feelings and move on, my heart still skips when I see you." He confessed. I turned around and just stood there. I stood there in silence. Not knowing how to respond.

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