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~July Pt. 1~

I blinked my eyes open into the sight of a hospital room. I don't recall getting here. I could feel the drugs going through me.

"Good! You're awake!" A doctor or nurse, I don't want to assume, announced.

"Where—where am i?" I stammered.

"Do you remember what happened?" She asked.

The sharp pain in my abdomen woke me up. It all felt like a haze. I stared at the sky. I don't know whether I was on concrete or grass. I could hear screams in the background of birds chirping. I didn't want to move because otherwise pain would strike me across my body. I knew that if I laid here, I would be dead. I need to get up. I can't be dead.

"Plane crash?" I reminded myself through one of many painful memories. "Where am I?" I asked.

"Yes, very good." She nodded. "Can you feel this?" She directed as she used a pen to poke my foot. It felt like a slight tickle. I nodded. "Good." She responded.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're at Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs, Colorado." She stated.

"I have to be in California." I muttered. "I need to call Sebastian." I panicked. Two weeks ago, I had this plan to see him... tell him how dumb I am... hopefully make up with him... and now—I'm in a stupid hospital bed.

"You need to calm down. We can't have your BP go up." The doctor stated. I tried to slow down my breathing.

I looked in the doorway, and I saw my dad.

"Honey, calm down." He came over.

"Dad?" I grazed at his face. I can feel my body sinking. I was confused and I just wanted to leave.

"Shhhhh... We are here." My dad hugged me. I blinked as I saw a bunch of strangers who didn't look familiar—then my chest felt like a million needles stabbing into my chest. Pain filled it all across. Breathing became slow and far more difficult to get. I tried to gasp for air.

"We need a crash cart!" I could hear my dad yell. I struggled. It felt like something sat on my lungs. Then, everything felt like it was spinning. I began to get blurry vision. I was out.

~Sebastian's Perspective~
4 days earlier

"Maggie... you know that we can't..." I was cut off by the sound of the director yelling cut.

"Who's phone? You guys know my policy on phones!" He yelled. I listened to the ring tone. I recognized it.

"Sorry! That's mine." I apologized.

"Don't just stand there—go answer it! Then turn it off!" He said through his megaphone. I did as he said. I went over to the back table where my phone was and pressed answered without even glancing at the caller ID.

"Hello, Ssbastian here?" I answered.

Sebastian! Hey! It's Mr. Archer...

"Hi? Mr. Archer, what a surprise." I stammered. He has never called me unless... "what's happening? Where's Elle?" I asked. She's been ignoring my calls for almost a month.

She was in a plane crash—and she's in the hospital in Colorado Springs. I know she would want me to tell you.

I didn't want to stay here. I need to go see her. "I'll be there." I hung up.

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