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Hey guys, so before you start reading, I just want to say this will be the final chapter.... I feel like I am slowly running out of ideas, and for creative purposes, I felt this was necessary... alright thank you.

——————-STARTS NOW————————

-3 years Later-

I scrambled setting up the dinner table as Kurt and Rachel were helping setting up the dining room table for a romantic diner. AJ was already three and she was already absorbing herself into books and her starting to read is a huge step for her age.

"Why are you so worried about telling him about another kid? I mean you already have a toddler." Blaine stated as he was playing with Rose and AJ.

"We haven't really talked about another kids, and we both are finally able to start working again and... I feel like we are in a good place and I just don't know how he feels about two kids." I rambled.

"I mean... you guys do make some pretty adorable kids..." Rachel suggested.

"As do you and Jesse." I reminded her.

"I second that." Jessie echoed.

"I don't know... I just want to surprise him, because last time I was in a plane crash and there was a chance that I couldn't even have a kid, but this is all news and I went to the doctors office and they confirmed it..."

"Well, I for one admire what you are doing." Kurt held up his glass.

"What a sweet sentiment." Rachel smiled. My phone began to ring.

"Shoot, can you guys watch the pasta?" I asked them.

"Of course!" Rachel smiled. I went over and quickly picked up the home phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

Is Giselle Archer there?

"This is she..." I told them.

There was an accident with your husband...

"That's crazy... I mean—he called me an hour ago." I told them.

Is your husband, Sebastian Smythe?


Well, if you could, you should come down to New York-Presbyterian Hospital... as soon as possible...

"Uh... okay..." I stammered. The thought that he is in the hospital killed me as I hung up the phone. I felt a wave of vomit starting to come up my throat as I sprinted to the bathroom.

"Elle?" Kurt asked. "Are you okay? Or is this just apart of the pregnancy?" I didn't say anything as i walked out of my bathroom.

Words can't always cover how you feel when life throws a curve ball your way.

"Hey, Elle, you okay?" Rachel asked. I stood there holding the phone in my hand trying not to cry, because if I cry I know I won't stop.

"Elle?" Kurt looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"Earth to Elle?" Blaine added.

"Is something up?" I could here Jesse's voice behind me.

I dropped my phone and I felt my knees tremble to the ground. I covered my face.

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