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"Wow, you look stunning, Madame Archer." Sebastian looked at me in my rose pink bridesmaids dress. A week ago, I asked him if I could keep my name, mostly for stage purposes, and he understood it.

"Well, you clean up very nice, Monsieur Smythe." I grinned as I kissed him.

"So how's the bride doing?" He asked.

"When I talked to Rachel last, she was freaking out, but I think she's fine now." I chuckled. "Well, I will see you at the wedding. You better find a good seat in the hotel ball room where the ceremony is taking place. I have to go make sure Rachel is ready for the ceremony."

"We can ride together if you want? I mean we are going to the same place and we are married." He pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right. We are taking your car, because it is a lot nicer than mine." I grinned.

"Yeah, I have to agree with you on that." He chuckled. "Your car is a mess."

"Okay, well, I haven't had time to actually sit down and give it a deep clean." I pointed out.

"At some point, you're going to have to let me help you clean it." He laughed as he picked up his car keys.

"One day, but for now, we have a ceremony to get to." I grinned as I locked the door behind us as we left the apartment.

"So I've never fully sat down with a Jesse one on one, but is it true that he egged Rachel?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, he was in Vocal Adrenaline, and they dated for a short time and got back together a little after she rebooted the glee club." I explained.

"Why does this sound familiar?" He chuckled as we made our way to his car.

"I mean—you did nearly ruin Blaine's eye sight." I reminded him.

"In my defense, I didn't have an amazing lady to guide me in the right direction." He pointed out.

"Yeah, you were hopeless until you met me." I let out a laugh.

"Oh, my mom was wondering if we would like to spend Thanksgiving with her in Tennessee?" Sebastian brought up.

"Uh—I don't know... maybe if we drove, I just don't know if I want to..." he cut me off.

"Fly..." he sighs. "Understandable." He nodded.

"Tell her that it's not a no. I just have to think about it." I told him.

"Alright, I'll let her know." He pointed out.

"Did I tell you that my dad sent us a belated wedding gift?" I brought up.

"Oh really? What did he send?" He asked.

"Well—he sent us this amazing new bed spread for our room." I explained.

"He didn't need to send us anything." Sebastian pointed out.

"Yeah, but he wanted us to have a new bedspread for the start our marriage. He apparently ordered it from Europe and it is supposed to be the best money could buy." I told him.

"I just feel bad that he has this thing exported to us." He reminded.

"I do too, but he does want us to be happy and considering we didn't really have a ceremony for him to attend, he is going to send us a gift that we wouldn't get if we had an actual ceremony." I explained.

"I guess you're right." He nodded.

"Yeah," I nodded.

We got to the hotel and made our way inside to the fancy ballroom.

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