1: introduction

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Fandom: Original story/characters

Caspian had been alone his whole life, there aren't many spirits like him, and most people were too scared of him to befriend. He'd met other emotion spirits before, but had never seen another fear spirit in his travels.
It was a lonely life.
He didn't do much besides just wandering around and usually avoided towns, but felt a strange pull when he woke up. It was like someone was calling for him.
He got up and ran, hardly in control, he didn't care that he was running towards a small city, and didn't stop long enough to recognize it.
He skidded to a stop in front of an open window and jumped inside, landing in a heap on the floor. He panted slightly and looked up at the sleeping form on the bed. he could feel something in the back of his mind telling him to run, escape, but the rest of him didn't care. This was too important to miss.
He watched breathlessly as the human turned over slightly, not waking up. There was a strong feeling in the room, it felt like a warm hug or a gentle kiss, kind words after a long day.
He jumped onto the bed, still staring at the sleeping human as the feeling grew stronger. He pawed at the human's chest, not caring or even noticing as they stirred and mumbled something. There was a soft misty glow where he pawed, and the feeling grew stronger, so he dug his claws in, calling the feelings out.
And then suddenly there was a small face looking up at him. The smallest spirit he'd ever seen, a soft white and still barely solid, with bright pink eyes blinking and looking around.
"Welcome to the world little one" Caspian said, filled with love for this tiny thing. He knew he had to protect it no matter what.
Before he knew it he was on the ground, clutching the small thing to his chest. The human let out a yell and a gasp, staring at the two creatures in his bedroom.

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