5: Unbreakable

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Fandom: Original story

Ezra is powerful. He is perfect. He is unbreakable. 
They made him that way, covered him in armor and spines that nothing could penetrate and filled his head with ways to kill. They wanted him to destroy and take control for them. Every day they would take him apart and tear at his insides, making him better, stronger, deadly. 
But when they were done he got to hear stories from the mechanic. He would talk about his life before he was kept here, the machine's he would make, the people he loved. Ezra loved it, it was the only thing he cared about. He wanted to leave this place and live in the world he heard stories about. He wanted to taste ice cream, and see what a dog looked like, to hear people talk and sing and live. 
Most of all he wanted to meet Oliver. The mechanic would talk about him all the time, Ezra could see the love in his eyes when he talked about him, but also pain. He missed his son. He dreamed at night about living with them, calling the mechanic Dad and Oliver his brother. Dreamed of exploring and living.
He was made for death but he was obsessed with life.
He was flawed and emotional, no matter how many times they tried to remove the feelings from his code.

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