21: Never again

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Eddsworld, Red prince AU again.
Takes place before all my other red prince stories

Jon was released from the Red Army hospital after a week of treatment. He wasn’t completely healed up, but as soon as he could walk without crutches and was out of that stuffy room. Took quite a bit of convincing, but he had finally convinced Tord to release him (kind of) and let him walk around. Tord had put some kind of tracking bracelet on his ankle, handed him a uniform to wear instead of the hospital gown (or his old clothes that had mysteriously been burned) and then told Jon he could explore the base. 
He wasn’t allowed anywhere near the training grounds yet, and had been warned that “If you even tries any kind of heavy lifting or exercise, i’m going to handcuff you to the bed myself”
His ribs were hurting like a bitch, and his leg burned when he walked on it (he was limping quite a bit) but he was free. He hated being locked up like that, hated the medicine and the needles and touching. 
He shuddered and limped on through the halls, pulling on the slightly loose uniform. It wasn’t uncomfortable really, but very different from what he was used to. There were signs around, but they all seemed to be in another language, maybe russain? Jon just wandered towards where he heard people talking, and quickly found himself in the mess hall. There were soldiers everywhere, chatting and eating. Jon looked at the food, seems like they were having dinner. It wasn’t great food by any standards, but he had been eating shitty hospital food for a week (all soft mushy crap because he’d apparently hurt his jaw in the crash and they didn’t want him to make it worse) his stomach rumbled and he made his way to try and get himself one, when a group of people near the door stopped him. he groaned internally, hoping they would just leave him alone.
“Who the fuck’re you?” the first one asked, voice heavily accented. “I haven’t seen you anywhere around the base before.”
Jon just continued past them, not even bothering to answer their question. He was hungry and wanted anything but applesauce and mashed potatoes. One of them grabbed him by the shoulder to stop him, and he hissed in pain. 
“I asked a question you little fuck.” the man growled. 
“Let go of me.” Jon snapped, trying and failing to pull his arm out the the much bigger man’s grip.
“And why should i?” he said, laughing at his squirming and struggling “You shouldn’t even be here anyway, the Red Army doesn’t need a weak little cripple holding us back. Probably wouldn't even get in trouble if i finish you off, Red Leader might even thank me”
Jon tried kicking him, but almost immediately crumpled on his bad leg, his vision going white for a second from the searing pain.
“Shit, i don’t even have to do anything,” the man laughed and let go of Jon, letting him drop limply to the floor. 
Jon panted, his whole body shaking from the pain. It felt like his leg was ripped open, and the impact of the floor just made everything worse. The room was spinning and he could hear laughter, it was muffled by his heart pounding in his ears.
Jon slowly pulled himself off the ground. It hurt, but he was not going to stay down. He wouldn’t let them win. He wouldn't let anyone treat him like garbage again. Never again. He glared up at them, barely holding himself up.
"Aw, look guys, i think we made him angry." He took a step towards Jon, but was interrupted by the door opening, and someone gasping loudly. 
"What are you doing outside the infirmary?" Patryck exclaimed, grabbing Jon by both shoulders and already pulling him towards the door. 
The group of guys looked like they were going to wet themselves at the sight of Pat, but said nothing.
"I was cleared to go, let go of me" Jon said, taking turns glaring at the assholes and staring longingly at the food.
"what dumbass thought you could be walking around in this condition???" Pat said
"I'm fine!" Jon said, but his leg hurt too much for him to argue.

"You reopened your stitches?!"
Jon was handcuffed to the bed as promised, grumbling and cursing as Pat looked at his leg. 
"What the hell were you even doing?" 
"I… i just stepped on it wrong." Jon gripped the sheets below him, but otherwise hid his anger pretty well.
Pat started going off about how he shouldn't have been walking around in the first place, but Jon just tuned him out. 

Two weeks later Jon could walk easily without pain, or a certain pair of men panicking around him. He was still limping though, they said that might be permanent. 
He got into the mess hall again, and was able to get food and start eating before asshole McGee was standing next to him with a grin.
"Hey there idiot, did you hurt your leg too bad?"
"Leave me alone." Jon said, not looking up from his food "this is your only warning." 
The guy just laughed, and knocked Jon's bowl into his lap. "Oops." 
Jon stood up, fists clenched. 
"Aw, what are you gonna do, bite my ankles?"
Jon turned around and dove at him, forst punching him in the throat as hard as he could, then slammed his whole body into him, knocking him to the ground. Then he was punching and scratching wherever he could reach, over and over again. He felt a finger break as he smashed his nose, but he didn't care. One of his friends kicked him of, but jon just ran at him to. He was like a feral animal, and didn't stop until he was dragged away by someone, kicking and screaming curse words at the man still laying on the floor in a pool of blood.

Jon sat handcuffed yet again, this time in Red Leader's personal office. 
Jon had gotten the shit beaten out of him, blood smeared over his bruised face, several broken fingers and a rib cracked again.
Tord sat at his desk, looking at the small man in front of him. 
"Apparently you caused quite the ruckus." Tord said coldly. "Sent three people to the infirmary and injured others." 
Jon nodded, looking down. This man could kill him if he wanted, and all Jon had done so far was give him more reasons to just get rid of him.
"And you did all that while being barely out of the hospital, completely untrained…" Tord grinned at him. "I'm impressed. Reminds me of my early days"
Jon looked up, confused. 
"Don't get me wrong, you're still being punished. But i think i can put that anger to good use with a bit of training. You'll be starting in a few days."
Jon was still silent, waiting for the sike, or fist to the face. But it never came. Tord sent him back to his hospital bed, no violent punishment, just lots of extra chores waiting for him in the morning.
He held his pillow to his chest and wondered what this Red Leader had planned for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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